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yoga 14-08-2013 07:50 AM


Originally Posted by yoga (Post 455963)
I write it down and keep thinking.
I open my eyes for additional information later.

I was so short of money that i have not ever 2-3 K to pay for training but after Cuclop Cave i obtained 50 + 10 K Gold and the good news is i discover 2 nice wells - for add. Spell points and for add. AC.
Also i have now Lloyd Beacon.
But one more same spell will be very nice.
Is it a good idea to carry 2 armours: when one is broken to change it with good one? Otherwise i am forced to use one Spell caster always to heal that one with broken armor this way my attack force is reduced.

Dear Kmonster,
why You do not start similar video as did Geordy in Friday?
Let say in Momday.
I am sure You will do Your best.


Sorry, no MoMday but Monday. Lapsus lingve.

Dear Kmonster,
I entered Cyclops cave and still i do not kill this Cyclop. My actions:
I visit 3 wells - for HP, AC and SP.
My levels are 9-10. More detailed images will be soon provided.
I use Blessed and Holy bonus spells to boost all 3 Spell casters before enter the battle. No suff. SP for other members. I use Lloyd Beacon to goto just before the battle place to save my party from the damages of spear-like doors.
BTW, is this Cyclop the only one or more will come?

Very battle:
He appeared 2 steps before me. I used:
First Kastore (the last one in battle row - with special ears) (I use custom made team) casts Dragon breath/Fire - 24/5 - 3 times during the battle.
Then Sir Canegh hits with Sparks - 8/1 - 2-3 times during the battle. Also he heals others by Power Cure - 16/3.
Resurectra hits using Cold ray - 18/4 about 5-7 times.
Strange: Another 3 fighters, non casters hit from time to time.
But Cyclop beats me.
Interesting how much HP he has? No Q.

Maybe i have try many times, maybe i have to use not Fire, but Elec, Cold or Acid? I know not.
I will try 3-4 times, if no result will cont. to increase my levels and will back to smash Cyclop(s).

kmonster 14-08-2013 11:06 AM

Sometimes you'll meet monsters which are too powerful for your level. In this case you can continue running your head against the wall trying to defeat them immediately or you can go elsewhere and return later when you're more experienced and better equipped (if you don't forget it :p ).
Corak's notes about the cave should give you an impression about what's in the cave, there's only one Cyclops King but many Cyclopes. Just wait until you have the joy of fighting three of them at once :D .
There's an "Identify Monster" spell in the game.

yoga 14-08-2013 01:28 PM

2 Attachment(s)

Originally Posted by kmonster (Post 455981)
Sometimes you'll meet monsters which are too powerful for your level. In this case you can continue running your head against the wall trying to defeat them immediately or you can go elsewhere and return later when you're more experienced and better equipped (if you don't forget it :p ).
Corak's notes about the cave should give you an impression about what's in the cave, there's only one Cyclops King but many Cyclopes. Just wait until you have the joy of fighting three of them at once :D .
There's an "Identify Monster" spell in the game.

Ha ha ha,

brave never forget.

yoga 15-08-2013 04:11 PM

Visiting Cyclops cave i found a chest of 50 K, which helped me to buy Path Finder and Mountainering spells;
now i am able to explore all area around.
I started this massive work and colonized many places.
My plan is to colonize all places on the earth surface,
then to start Caves, then Skies (if any).
Maybe future final boss is in some air hanging castle? I know not.
All 5 towns, namely F.Head, Baywatch, Swamp town, F. Height and Wildabar are dully explored.

About famous Cyclop: I have substitude of God potion, Might potion. Maybe it will increase my power?
Soon i will make kind visit of Mr. Cyclop to speak about the mussels. :hihihi:
Sadly i failed in my first steps in Swords.

yoga 16-08-2013 07:09 AM

The story continued... I colonize the world.
My members are level 10 except Dark Shade with 11 level. Nice.
During my travels I met strange well which sent me from area A4 to E4, which is desert island.
Here I met very strong monsters: Barbarians. Moreover they attacked in group of 4.
I cast Lloyd Beacon to set this location and retreat using same well.
Then boost my team: Wizard eye, Up Might, Spell points, HP, AC. Then I cast Blessed spell on my 3 spell casters. Ready. Save and Lloyd Beacon. This way I save my team from routine step-by-step.
Landing in area E4.
Important: Do NOT move far from safety well - teleport in fact!!
Barbarians are very strong, but I found more strong creature. Roc.
The same roc which attacked me in Skies in Clouds of Xeen. But more, more stronger.

The very battle:
I am ready.
One step left and 4 Barbarians appeared. OK. The distance between us is 2 steps.
Our kind dispute started: Kastore hits with Dragon breath/Fire (30/5) 3 times. Sir Canegn – Cold Ray (20/4) – 3 times. 3 Fighters hit also. Now is time Resurectra to hit by 3 Cold Ray (20/4).
These spells are the best I have.
Voilaaa. Victory. But pls do not think it was so easy as my explanation.
Ha ha ha. Try it.

OK. I am wounded but still strong. Suddenly I saw before me some motion. Save and forward.
2 steps and....small shack and before it 3 waiting Barbarians.
Brave entered the battle. Terrible, because now my defense was broken and I was forced to use Sir Canegn as healer (Power cure – 22/3), which reduced my attacks. But I am brave and even hopeless I continued fighting. Miracle! I won. And then destroyed the shack to be presented with 500 000 HP! Great.
Back to Vertigo sry to Baywatch and my levels are now 11 + 12.
Forget to say that after destroyed shack I saw.. giant Roc bird.
No, no I wisely retreat back to my base, using the well.

Hmmm...what to do?
To visit my old friend Cyclop or to visit my new friend Roc?
I know not.

Scatty 16-08-2013 08:20 AM

It might be a good idea to equip all party members with a ranged weapon, like bow, and let them shoot from distance to weaken enemies so you don't have to always cast spells (and lose spell points) while at distance, and still keep the tactical advantage over enemies. If there're according skills for those ranged weapons, could be worth it raising them, too.
Might just make the battles a bit easier for you.

yoga 16-08-2013 09:10 AM


Originally Posted by Scatty (Post 456092)
It might be a good idea to equip all party members with a ranged weapon, like bow, and let them shoot from distance to weaken enemies so you don't have to always cast spells (and lose spell points) while at distance, and still keep the tactical advantage over enemies. If there're according skills for those ranged weapons, could be worth it raising them, too.
Might just make the battles a bit easier for you.

OK, Master,
but MHO is that MM3 is more difficult game than MM4&5.
Believe me i passed MM4 9 times and feel very well the battles.
No, the battles a bit easier for you .
The battles are very hard. One, listening to my explanation will be misleaded that they are pieces of cake. Not at all.
Did You hear me to complain in MM4 for strong enemies? Never - even Sand worms, even Acid Dragons, even dog of the Lord were barrier for brave.
Till here the things are difficult. If You remember how many deadly weapons we have in MM4. No same ones here. My best weapon now is miserable Dragon Breath with 4 options: Fire, Elec, Cold, Acid!!
Our best Freund Gnadige und Dear Kmonster told me very wise words:
brave, MM3 is harder than MM4.
First time i just smiled but then realised how wise is Kmonster.
Of course, i will try your advise for ranged weapons.
About spell points i want to assure You i have about 170 SP (Kastore + about same volume for Resurectra+120 for Sir Canegn) after boosting, which are enough for short victorious battle.

yoga 16-08-2013 11:01 AM

20 minutes later.
I returned to area E4 and starting very careful investigation. Have to be careful... because...
soon i terrified found about 10 Barbarions before me and more in the distance. They were unable to attack me because the old fox used water to investigate. I saw Rocs also.
So i returned back and now decide to pay visit to my fiend (not mistake) Cyclop.
Boosted i entered the cave.
Soon it appeared.
Master, it was at distance 4 steps but i decided to hit with the best spells i have. It is very strong.
This battle strategy wins: 6 Dragon Breath/Fire, 8 Cold Ray and 9-10 hits and it ist kaput.
2 steps ahead and new one appeared.
Exhausted i command:
-Genug! Alles zurück.-
and we retutned in base for rest.

Smiling Spectre 16-08-2013 09:07 PM

Could it be that you are too hasty, Yoga?

I solved M&M3 in my time, and I hadn't any big problems here. I.e., if you see almost impossible battle, most probably it means that you entered in wrong time. Too early. :) Did you tried to move into some easier directions? :)

Scatty 16-08-2013 09:37 PM

Actually I encountered the same "problem" in M&M VI - you're required to have knowledge of which locations are easier, and in which you can be easily annihilated, even if it's on the very same map where you started the game.
Just to name a relatively easy to find teleporter on the roof, in starting city, which teleports you right into a horde of big dragons. 2 seconds, no actually 1.5 seconds - your 4 party members are toast, game over.
A bit too extreme boundaries without any hints as to where it will become moderately more difficult. That makes experience gathering and leveling up often quite a tactical, hard challenge for new players to the game(s).
Guess it's no different in previous games in the series.

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