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AnT hook 07-11-2005 08:04 PM

5?! :) This is one of the worst games I've ever experienced. Ugly, stupid and absolutely non-scary. I respect Abandonias' taste for games, but "Isle of Dead" hardly deserves mark higher than "1".

A. J. Raffles 07-11-2005 08:30 PM


Originally posted by AnT hook@Nov 7 2005, 09:04 PM
5?! :) This is one of the worst games I've ever experienced. Ugly, stupid and absolutely non-scary. I respect Abandonias' taste for games, but "Isle of Dead" hardly deserves mark higher than "1".
It's not Abandonia that's responsible for the rating, really, but the individual reviewers. And this one seems to have thought very highly of this game.

Taskmaster 07-11-2005 09:20 PM

Actually I did not rate the game. Since I did not rate it, but the "tone" of my review was positive it was given a "5". Based on some of the other DOS games I was playing in effort to find stuff to submit, I was surprised by IOD. It was more than I expected for a game from that time frame, which is why I was so up beat on it.

AnT hook 07-11-2005 10:30 PM

I agree, it's a matter of personal taste and there weren't many of such kind at that time (and this is for good, taking in mind 3d-technologies of early 90th), but the very first time I played it, I saw how bad it is. The graphics isn't the main factor (while, say, "Eternam", which came out a year before, looked much better). Look at "Legacy: Realms of Terror", or "Alone in the Dark", or the recent "Waxworks" - all of them came out at the same time, but what a rich gameplay they had! Interesting stories, very good mix of fighting and problem-solving (real problem solving, not just "run to the other side of island and get a banana there"), and, again, much nicer graphics.
For me "IoD" is missiong all of this, while introducing very stupid and limited gameplay (also very irritating), almost no story, no puzzles, confusing fighting (even with gun or riffle) and ugly engine.
That's IMO, of coure, but the game is among the worst I've ever played, along with "Curse of Enchantia", "Leather Goddesses of Phobos 2" and "Psycho" :) That is the reason I desided to leave a comment, so please don't take it personal :)

ultranewbie 10-11-2005 09:30 PM

This was one of the (very!) few games that my parents got for me as a birthday present when I was younger... I was so disappointed! It nearly put me off buying computer games at all! It's nearly impossible to tell that anything is behind you, so I ended up being killed countless times before finally giving up.

Blood-Pigggy 10-11-2005 11:27 PM

False remark in review...


his is a first person hack-and-slash played in a 3D environment, from the time before the term “first person shooter” was coined.
This came out after Doom, and it was one of the several clones that came out afterwards, despite it's interface, this was one of the crappier blatant doom "me-too" games.
This game is lacking in quality, and needs to be destroyed.

Little People Farm Forever!

Hippie 11-11-2005 01:59 PM

Ah, I figure out the hot spot system in area changing... pretty annoying actually, but non the less. If you want a shotgun just follow the beach until you get to the other side of the plane. There's th shot gun.

Funny thing though, I didn't notice any notable difference in caused damage between the machete and the shot gun. Only real difference seems to be, that you can kill the deaders further away.

Ooh, and the game has voice acting. Bad, beyond any standards, but voice acting none the less.

Taskmaster 11-11-2005 07:14 PM


This came out after Doom, and it was one of the several clones that came out afterwards, despite it's interface, this was one of the crappier blatant doom "me-too" games.
Man, sorry... I wasn't sure about that, so I went with it, and it was partly why I was impressed with it (because I thought it was pre-Doom). Oh well, I still would upload it simply so other folks could have access to it.

Little People Main Street forever plus one!


Blood-Pigggy 11-11-2005 07:20 PM

You are so naive, Little People Farm is the best ever!
Yeah, I just noticed that because I own a Computer Gaming World magazine that had the review, and that was around the time when the Doom clones were rolling in like never before.
Isle Of The Dead isn't "horrible" it's just poor, I never liked it myself, because it's quite difficult, and the weapons are so lame.

SexyGirl 09-12-2005 05:17 AM

Hey guys,

I'm wondering is this the CD version of Floppy version. The reason why I was looking out for this game was because I was big zombie fan. Also I knew the game was going to be bad as the cover art featured a scantily clad babe. You can see them all in Mobygames.

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