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tommaguzzi 21-01-2009 06:47 PM

sorry i cant get this working
i use dosbox 0.71 with the d'fend gui frontend on vista or xp if nesessary
it loads to the title screen then asks for a cd in the drive
i've tried every which way to mount the fake cd image and no luck yet.

_r.u.s.s. 21-01-2009 06:56 PM

well don't use frontends :)

red_avatar 21-01-2009 08:14 PM


Originally Posted by tommaguzzi (Post 349756)
sorry i cant get this working
i use dosbox 0.71 with the d'fend gui frontend on vista or xp if nesessary
it loads to the title screen then asks for a cd in the drive
i've tried every which way to mount the fake cd image and no luck yet.

First of all, stay off "fake cd" - it's meant for people who want to get it to work in real DOS, not Dosbox.

Second of all, the idea is that you mount the game as C:\Fragile. What you almost certainly did was mount it as C:\. Also, did you properly mount the D drive?

tommaguzzi 22-01-2009 04:35 PM

ok no front end this time.

so i start dosbox without the gui and then type

mount c c:\fragile (where the game actually is on my h.d.)
mount d c:\fragile -t cdrom

then what? mount gives a summery of the drives
loadfix allocates 64 m memory
autoexec appears to set the sound
typing dir does not show any fragile .exe files and it wont let me change directories so i dont even know if i'm in the correct one

how do i start the game? sorry i just not very good at this.

thanks lads.

red_avatar 22-01-2009 05:02 PM


Originally Posted by tommaguzzi (Post 349925)
mount c c:\fragile (where the game actually is on my h.d.)
mount d c:\fragile -t cdrom


Second of all, the idea is that you mount the game as C:\Fragile. What you almost certainly did was mount it as C:\. Also, did you properly mount the D drive?
Remember what I said? You did exactly like I said ;). DO NOT MOUNT THE GAME FOLDER AS C DRIVE.

Also, make a separate folder for DOS Games or you'll end up mounting your entire C drive which is not healthy.


a) make a folder on your C drive for DOS games. Call it DOSGAMES ;)

b) put the FRAGILE folder in the DOSGAMES folder

c) mount the game like this:

mount c c:\dosgames

NOT c:\dosgames\fragile

The rest is correct. Always try to mount a game so it's in a subfolder of the C: drive since a lot of games don't work properly unless you use the path that was in the zip file.

tommaguzzi 22-01-2009 08:17 PM

good news!!!

i used your mounting instructions in the Dfend gui to edit the mounts and i have a working game!!

i thank you once again.

Bob Hillman 29-01-2009 12:12 AM

So is anyone on these boards up for some Multiplayer?
granted Fragile allegiance games can last for several jours.

Herby123 01-02-2009 11:51 AM

somebody knows, where the manual is available?

red_avatar 01-02-2009 12:25 PM

I have the manual but it would take a few hours to scan it all I'm afraid. Maybe some day when I got a LOT of free time ;).

Herby123 01-02-2009 12:59 PM

okok ;)

i hope, somebody got it form hotu befor the link broke :)

red_avatar, can u tell me something about the tax system? i remember, that taxes are a nice incomming factor in k240. but in FA it is not so strong, isnt it? and i missed the bonus for destroying an emeny asteroid :(

hm, i think, i need the manual :D

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