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Stormrider 29-12-2004 12:16 AM

I have the Gold-Version (Videos + SVGA Graphics+Windows) on CD so i have no need for that. I would be glad to share it with you, but its the German Version which wouldn´t help you or is someone here who wants to learn it :D

cheesegrater 29-12-2004 12:23 AM


C&C is so better in every aspect to Red Alert, I am really wondering why Red Alert been so popular...
I thought Tiberium Dawn and Red Alert were the same game in different flavours. I saw no difference.

Eagle of Fire 29-12-2004 12:30 AM

C&C (Command And Conquer) is the original game. No idea about Tiberian Dawn.

Red Alert sported the name "C&C: Red Alert" with the obvious reason to be the sequel to C&C, add sale profits by sporting a very good tile name and mostly to confuse buyers into getting a "new and improved" game.

I beleive the newer titles also are sporting that name... I think their last title goes by the name of "C&C: Generals" or something like that? Still, it has absolutly nothing to do with the original game, except for some very obscure history links...

Ravenoustoxic 29-12-2004 01:06 AM

This game is great but is der any C&C version dat contains "Skirmish"... i hear dat ders one abandone C&C version dat contains "Skirmish game" i think it's called "Command And Conquer Red Alert-Relation" how about upload dat version?

I like to play Skirmish game dan Campaign... Thanks :help:

einherjar 29-12-2004 01:20 AM

I don't know where you people live, but it's still being sold at Wal-Mart where I live.

Eagle of Fire 29-12-2004 01:27 AM

Are you sure you are talking about the original Command and Conquer game? Like I said earlier, all the follow up sported the name C&C to boost sales and etc.

einherjar 29-12-2004 01:42 AM

Positive. The set is a collection of C&C games, and among them was Tiberium Dawn. I know this because I considered buying it Saturday with a gift card I had acquired on Christmas (I ended up going with Warcraft 3 with Frozen Throne).

Tom Henrik 29-12-2004 02:11 AM

Command & Counquer is the most used name for the game.

The complete name is Command & Conquer - Tiberium Dawn.

You learn something new every day ;)

goblins 29-12-2004 02:21 AM

C and C - tiberium Dawn is a second installment

Nowdays i think C and C - Generals is the latest installment - its a nifty marketing gimmick.

Ravenoustoxic 29-12-2004 02:27 AM

I badly like to play C&C with Skirmish game .... any C&C version so please upload any C&C version with "Skirmish game" i hate campaign game!!! hint please search for C&C red alert -relation i hear its abandon now! :help:

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