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Tulac 06-02-2006 10:53 AM

That still doesn't justify their actions, taking away someone freedom...

The Niles 06-02-2006 10:55 AM

I think we should realize that violence like that is NEVER spontanious. The people behind the attacks on the embasies where Hezbolah and Syrian secret police. The inroads the west has made in Lebanon in recend months (since the Syrian pull-out) has caused them to fight back before (bombings and murders). This was just a too good a chance to let go for them.
Not that the outrage from Muslims isn't genuin. The violence is controlled.

Like someone on another forum said, "This is not entirely the way to show that Islam is, in fact, a peacefull religion."

Sebastianos, these protest have nothing to do with poverty. The people who are protesting are not poor or underfed. You should stop seeing the world in have and have not terms, things are much more complicated then that.

Quintopotere 06-02-2006 10:58 AM


Originally posted by Playbahnosh@Feb 6 2006, 10:58 AM
Religion is a very delicate think because everyone has an opinion about it. And you can't possible talk about it without hurting somebody's religious beliefs...
That's true, but the revolts in the arabian states use religion only as a pretext! I hope you all can agree about that!

There, no one can demonstrate without governmet permission (it's not a case that in Palestine they're not demonstrating, as far as I know)... and they started to demonstrate afther months: probably many of them not even know what is Denmark...

Don Andy 06-02-2006 10:59 AM

Call me dumb, but what I really really don't get on this pic is:
Why the heck does a Jew have a swastika (dunno if it is the right word, an online dictionary gave me swastika for "Hakenkreuz", well, you know, the thing on his arm)? Isn't this totally paradox? I mean, a Jew being a Nazi?

I know this probably isn't the real point in this pic, but it really bothers me somehow :/

Quintopotere 06-02-2006 11:02 AM


Originally posted by Don Andy@Feb 6 2006, 11:59 AM
Call me dumb, but what I really really don't get on this pic is:
Why the heck does a Jew have a swastika (dunno if it is the right word, an online dictionary gave me swastika for "Hakenkreuz", well, you know, the thing on his arm)? Isn't this totally paradox? I mean, a Jew being a Nazi?

I know this probably isn't the real point in this pic, but it really bothers me somehow :/

Many ones are sure that the head of the nazi-party was lead by jewish...

Sebatianos 06-02-2006 11:29 AM


Originally posted by The Niles@Feb 6 2006, 01:55 PM
Sebastianos, these protest have nothing to do with poverty. The people who are protesting are not poor or underfed. You should stop seeing the world in have and have not terms, things are much more complicated then that.
I agree that the things are very complex, but if people are contempt (and they are if they feel they have enough - or at least enough to loose) they will not be so easily provoken for such actions.

Yes, the protest were not spontanius, but you could not convince a group of average Europeans to start protesting and burning down buildings just like that (because they have enough). If however you'd use a certain moment (let's say a half drunk mass of football lovers at the moment they feel their team is being cheated out of an importaint victory) you could have them do similar things.

It's the motivating factor. The less you have to loose, the more deprived you feel, the easier you are motivated into destroying the property of the one you feel has more then yourself.

Sebatianos 06-02-2006 11:32 AM


Originally posted by Don Andy@Feb 6 2006, 01:59 PM
I know this probably isn't the real point in this pic, but it really bothers me somehow :/
Well, that's just the point. It was made so that it would bother you!!! The graffiti done by the muslim should be highly offensive and should bother almost anybody (it has multiple targets), while on the otherhand the graffiti done by the Danish guy is a nice little peaceful man, that should not bother anyone (which is sort of hipocritical as well - having a nice little man or the founder of the religion with a national symbol on the head being turned into a bomb isn't that inocent).

Oh, and sorry for the double post.

Tulac 06-02-2006 05:36 PM


Yes, the protest were not spontanius, but you could not convince a group of average Europeans to start protesting and burning down buildings just like that (because they have enough). If however you'd use a certain moment (let's say a half drunk mass of football lovers at the moment they feel their team is being cheated out of an importaint victory) you could have them do similar things.

That's not only got to do with poverty, but also with lesser education, no freedom of speecg and overall primitivism that their leaders are keeping them in...

Himmler 06-02-2006 06:21 PM

the fact is they act like savage people...and their religion inspires them to violence ...the coran tells them to act some cases violence is beaten only with violence...
the protest should of been a legal one, not an attack on the embassy...i thing someone should grab a hose and calm them down

Master MC 06-02-2006 06:46 PM

There goes Abandonia's embassy in Arabia!

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