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Master MC 02-01-2006 12:15 PM


Nothing happens when I use the pan in the rivers - does that indicate that there is no gold to be found?

Nevermind, I got strange sacks out of nowhere in my inventory - which I could sell for a lot of money at the assay office :party:
Gonna buy me a gun :guns: :sniper:

How can I load up my mule? And is it possible I completely ate all the fish out of the river? And yegh, that man eats snakes.

Bah, I'll shut up already - click on an object and right click on an empty grid in the mule's inventory, as mentioned in the posts above. :wall:

ted striker 02-01-2006 02:31 PM

yes yes. it is possible to eat all fishes. thats what usually happens to greedy mankind eh? :D and if you cant find any gold try a different part of the river. and the mines that have metal frameworks in them pay maximum. but it is possible to find parts of an interesting (?!) artifact in those mines that do not have frameworks. so its wise to check every mine in the game in my opinion. there are over 100 mines i guess.

Master MC 02-01-2006 06:57 PM

How do I distinguish mine from mountain? What do I need to enter a mine (like hammers, lanterns, etc.)? I used to walk around night and day across the entire map, hitting the spacebar when possible, and I only get a nice view of the scenery. This resulted in those stupid Indians shooting arrows all over the place.

ted striker 02-01-2006 07:15 PM

in the desert map, when the black dot that repesents you is next to a mountain, hit space bar and youll see a cave ahead (entrance of the mine) afew seconds later you are in the mine. if you dont have a lantern (and matches to light it) you cant see around. if you dont have a pick and a shovel, you cant mine. in some mines you need a rope to climb and dive. and gloves reduces lost health points i suppose. a nice spot to begin mining is the single mountain positioned northeast of city. approach from east. when black dot touches mountain, hit space.

Scut 02-01-2006 10:54 PM

I just tried out this game and I love it! It kept me playing for four hours (an its about 16 years old)!

But I donīt quite understand: What do I need the knife and the shovel for? :help:

ted striker 02-01-2006 11:08 PM

i've tried to mine without a shovel and it worked. so im really not sure about it.. i havent finished the game, maybe it will have some use later on. same goes for knife. :blink:

Master MC 03-01-2006 02:23 PM

Maybe a stupid question... How do I get gold out of the mines? I don't see particular 'gold spots' so I just start hacking. But that does not produce sacks 'o' gold or something else.

O, and an other question, what is the use of sleeping, except for that the shops are closed and I need less food? It's just like during daylight, where I can drink water, eat fish and attend mines...

ted striker 03-01-2006 02:51 PM

goldspots are yellow, shiny, tiny, cracks on grounds at dead-ends of mines. they are usually in mines that have frameworks (is there a single word for such structures in english? :P) its impossible to miss them. maybe you are mining in wrong mines? (the ones that dont have frameworks or ladders :P) when you encounter such spots, press and hold space and old-timer is gonna use his pick until yellow color is gone. and a brownish sack is gonna be added to your tools inventory. if your inventory is full you cant mine anymore. you have to go out and put the sacks in your burros inventory. so keep a few blanks in your tools inventory before you enter a mine. and there are several spots in a mine to dig.

Master MC 03-01-2006 02:55 PM

I'll be darned! I looked in another mine, and hop, 'frameworks', a cart with gold in it, etc. Thanks for the tip(s).

ted striker 03-01-2006 02:57 PM

from the manual: "...SLEEP: After 6 PM, an option to SLEEP is available. Although your health does not rely on sleep, there are times when you will want to take advantage of this feature. Clicking on SLEEP will result in the immediate passage of time. After a brief fade to black, you will find yourself in front of the saloon at 9:00 the following morning..." i sleep if im in town after 6. it makes me feel good :)

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