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The Fifth Horseman 18-11-2005 02:35 PM

With my few reviews and submissions, I always make sure that if the game causes problems to run on DosBox, I try to find a solution to them, leaving a note file next to the archive.

Petter1979 18-11-2005 08:34 PM

It seem like you still want to load the work on updaters/administrators, or ppl who are already doing a huge load on supporting the site.

I wasent trying to put work on already busy members of this site, but volunteers, and i didnt even say that they should go through all posts in a game topic, but only the games that interest em, and if they wanted, they could add aditional information for the game in the topic.
Like a freelancer.

ex: who know the program
What can it do when you are running games with VDMSound


How many times have there been asked how to run UFO defence aka xcom1 in winXP in the topic about Xcom1. Graphic glitches, game cannot be saved, game crash in tatical mission.

those were some of the ideas i wanted to help improve by adding info in the topic starters post. With player experiences on how to make the game work, or maybe work better.

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