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Nikson 26-10-2005 06:45 PM

And you realise that this creature wouldn't be too welcome in settlements or inns or such, right?
If you're happy with that, it's fine :)

Come to think of it, it'd work very nicely with the first scenario we'll play :D

So if this is what you want to use, by all means write up the character sheet :ok:

blastradius14 26-10-2005 06:53 PM

Here's the IcewindDale 2 version of my Half Giant.

Nikson 26-10-2005 07:12 PM

The problem with monstruous humanoids is that some of them have a high CR. I can't allow characters that start off above CR2, or the game would be unbalanced. If your level 1 half giant or alaghi are CR2 or less, it's fine by me.
On the topic, anyone who wants to play a monstruous humanoid that has a CR1/2 or CR1/3, is encouraged to make them level 2 or 3, respectively.
If you don't know what a CR is, that's ok. Just stick to normal races like elves and half-orcs :D

Also, blastradius: you realise that an alaghi wouldn't be too welcome in civilised settlements, or taverns, or anything like that, right? If you're fine with it, I'm fine with it :)

Nikson 26-10-2005 07:45 PM

Here's a PCGen tutorial I just made (it's now 5:30am) to help out those that may wish to use it but aren't sure how.

When you first open it, you'll see this:

Before you can make a character, you have to tell the program which source to load (think of it as a database).
For basic use, choose RSRD/Partial/RSRD Basics , then on the little arrow above:

Then press Load at the bottom right corner. Once the stuff loads, go to the File menu (like in any windows application) and click New (first at the top).
This will bring you to the character creation screen:

For now, write in a name for your character, then choose their alignment. The alignment, for those who don't know, will impose some restrictions on the classes you can choose (paladins have to be lawful good), and you'll also have to roleplay your character that way (a neutral evil character wouldn't release prisoners from a dungeon to feel fuzzy inside).
After the alignment, pick a race, then a class for your character.

Once this is done, fiddle with your stats: first bring them all up to 8 points, then follow these rules to distribute more points. The program doesn't enforce the rules so do it manually:

-After all stats are at 8, assume you have 25 points left to distribute.
-You may reduce stats down to a minimum of 6 (because I don't want extremely unbalanced characters)
-You may increase each stat to 14, at a cost of one point per stat unit.
-to go from 14 to 15 and from 15 to 16 will cost two points each.
-to go from 16 to 17 and from 17 to 18 will cost three points each.
-the maximum allowed is 18. (again, i dont want extreme characters. 18 gives you +4, and your race might even push it to 20 and +5).

That's all I can write right now, I'm falling asleep at the keyboard. Feel free to experiment too. Once you've done this much, start going through all the tabs, one by one and see what's there. It's more or less self explainatory.

blastradius14 26-10-2005 07:49 PM

Yeah, thats fine by me. He isn't much of a leader anyway, so he shouldn't be the one talking. The alaghi will most likely stay just out of town, as he is not only used to sleeping in the outdoors, but his wis/int combination makes him difficult to carry a decent conversation with.

By CR do you mean corpse resurrection price? Or racial experience level differences? I'm mostly a second edition rules person, which is what BG I and II are built on, so I am not exactly sure what you are going for. These creatures are all easily playable with my mind, and they are not too powerful. I've played my half-giant in a Zahkara setting and I know that he has to prove his side in the conflict as people look at him with a little less regard than other races. I've played a lot of Dark Sun games and I am still not sure what you mean about CR though. What's it stand for?

blastradius14 26-10-2005 07:53 PM

Ah. Pools of radiance rules. Hmmm. 25 is going to give some pretty crumby stats with those rules... Hrmmm. Perhaps an alaghi will be better than a Half-giant after all...

Lonely Vazdru 26-10-2005 07:54 PM

CR is challenge rating. It's in the new rules. It defines how powerful a foe you are.
In real life i'm CR 17 :Titan:

Nikson 26-10-2005 07:55 PM

CR is short for Challenge Rating. A normal character has a CR equal to his level (a level 3 fighter is CR3).
CR is used to determine how much experience a character gets from killing a creature. A level 3 fighter killing a CR4 monster will give him a decent amount, since the monster was higher "level" than him.

Monstruous characters, because of their unusual abilities, aren't all CR1 (like normal new characters). Some have higher CR, which is the same as saying they start off at higher levels.
I"ll have a look in the books, but I can almost guarantee the Half Giant is around CR3 because of the extreme STR/CON.

blastradius14 26-10-2005 07:57 PM

Geee no wonder. Most people can take down a skeleton with their own abilities and they are CR of 2...

blastradius14 26-10-2005 07:58 PM

Ah. They start out as a lvl 2 monster in Dark Sun, so at most they would be a CR 3 by your words. Don't know about alaghis though

Directly from Dark Sun rules at

" Level Adjustment +1: Half-Giants are more powerful than the other races of the Tablelands and gain levels accordingly. A half-giant is a two Hit Die monster and may be played without class levels as the equivalent of a third level character"

Now, his stats have actually been lowered to fit my father's DM specs, and his hps were not rolled for a second level player, but a 1st level fighter, plus his race bonus. Of course, I can always go and be a mul instead heh.

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