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taikara 08-10-2005 04:14 PM

Yes, more double posting, I suck :(

But, I thought I'd show that you can make decent plasticky effects for shapes, as well as text with a variation of this technique, as well as maybe giving you a taste of a possible future tutorial, after I've perfected and simplified the technique for the plasma-ish background (I'm at about 14 layers for the BG effect right now - that just won't do).

Tom Henrik 08-10-2005 04:26 PM

I've said this over MSN, but what the heck... ^_^

:kosta: :kosta: :kosta:

Danny252 08-10-2005 06:00 PM

Once there's a ton of these up, Im just itching to stick them all together. invisible bubble text on glowing taffy plasma!

Blood-Pigggy 08-10-2005 06:05 PM

Tai, you get all these weird tacky names for your photoshop techniques.
How do you make them all up? :D

taikara 08-10-2005 06:50 PM

It's simple, really...

I'm a weird, tacky sort of person... I just do what comes naturally :P

Kon-Tiki 08-10-2005 09:28 PM

Woah! 't Finally's on! :w00t: Now I REALLY can't wait to get Photoshop (especially after that Plasticfantastic and that plasma pic)

taikara 08-10-2005 10:12 PM

How about this:

A mix of a few of the tutorials I've put up ^_^ :

Tom Henrik 08-10-2005 10:23 PM

:w00t: :kosta: :w00t:

(I know... smiley posts are bad, but I'm speechless...)

Kon-Tiki 08-10-2005 10:24 PM

Damn, I'll never be able to top that, quality-wise :wall:

taikara 09-10-2005 02:29 AM

Sure you will :)

I get better every time I even open Photoshop... remember how much I sucked when I first joined? :P

I didn't even know how to color with gradients, I always used the brush :huh:

But stuff like this is nothing to me now. I can make plastic text with my eyes closed at this point, but if you recall, it took me weeks of digging through crappy tutorials that were barely written in English to figure out how to get the effect I was going for with the Plastic Age layout :P And looking at it now, a few months later, having improved, well, I'm almost embarrassed that I created it, though I was proud of it then... that's just the way it goes, I guess.

But anyway, I'm not posting it to make people feel bad, but to show how you can be just a little creative with what you know (even if it's not that much) and come up with something spiffy :)

And I really want to see people's results!! I seriously hope that my tutorials are a lot more helpful than the crapola I dug through to figure out interesting techniques.

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