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AnT hook 25-08-2005 07:03 PM

Exellent adventure, long and funny :)

Aristharus 26-08-2005 11:47 AM


Well it's not the best adventure I've ever played, but it's quite nice!

If you're looking for great adventure, may I recomend some from our site?

I have finished most of those you listed already. :) Although I found five that I hadn't ever even played: Cruise for a Corpse, Jack the Ripper, Project Nomad and the two Ringworld games. But I gotta try those five then, thanks. :)

kajlena 26-08-2005 02:43 PM

any idea why i cant save the thing?
i get no responce clicking on the save button (or load either as a matter of fact)

peregy 26-08-2005 05:48 PM

i have a problem when i get out of the train on the begining it close the game,i tried in dos box and the same thing is happening

DSmidgy 26-08-2005 06:00 PM

Did you change the sound settings? Digital audio must be set no NONE.

Guest 26-08-2005 06:42 PM

i can't save the game either. any ideas?

STA-Spike 26-08-2005 11:35 PM

I found that under WinXP i couldnt save.

But Dosbox solved that puzzle for me...
You have to screw the performance up to 25000 cycles though, (well i had) to get winXP performance.

Blood-Pigggy 26-08-2005 11:38 PM

Jeeze, that's alot don't you think? I only need about 7000 cycles.
But I was running it on a faster PC than the one I am using right now.

Do you reccomend frameskip at all?

Lulu_Jane 27-08-2005 12:07 PM

I liked this one :angel:

Maybe (well, probably) it's not the best of the best ever created, but it's nice when you find an adventure game where the standard of humor and story is charming and original - I didn't get to play this one first time around when it was released, so after all the lucas/sierra-champion-type-clones I've trudged through in the last few years, this game was like a classy puff of a Victorian Gentleman's pipe-smoke gently floating though my pc's hard drive.

I likes it :>

T.Hi 31-08-2005 02:26 PM

I don't know that I can help with not being able to save, but you can check to make sure the appropriate files do NOT have "Read Only" checked; sometimes that's the problem for me.

As for being booted out at the part when you get off the train after the intro, the same thing happened to me. Then I read in the "Read Me" file that you can use the "Replay" file to pick up where you left off should you get booted off. So, I
(1) restarted a game, then just before the point where I get booted off, saved and quit, (2) then used the 'Replay' file to continue from that point. Once I got to the point where I could play, I saved again, (3) then I - finally - went back to the 'Gene' file, loaded my game and went from there...

Now, I have a different problem. While the game saves all of my options (Audio, Speed, Text, etc), it won't save that I want to play via mouse. I pick mouse and it always reverts back to the joystick, so of course I can't actually play - so frustrating since I fixed my other problem after a half-hour or so of thought! So, does anyone have any advice for me? Please don't tell me to use DosBox; I always get mixed up trying to use it and never get anywhere. Also, I can't play games from straight DOS on our computer (don't know why, just can't). My comp is a Win '98 that I got free from our local Rescue Mission so it has no paperwork or start disks. Still, I would think a game this old would work on it and it has so far...

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