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Stroggy 17-06-2005 01:17 PM

I'm currently reading "Het Reservaat" by Ward Ruyslinck, the moment the exams are over I'm going to go to a bookstore to get something decent to read... not that dutch literature is bad per se, just preachy.

troop18546 17-06-2005 02:37 PM

I mostly read Irvine Welsh.
(I love his work. :ok: )

Quintopotere 17-06-2005 03:10 PM

I like the good old classics like Conrad, Stevenson, Dickens, Goethe, Bradbury... they were rewieved by the time passed!

Sebatianos 17-06-2005 06:07 PM


Originally posted by MadMarius@Jun 17 2005, 02:46 PM
Isaac Asimov..The Foundation series...i reccomend it to you's a great story.

Including the first trilogy right?
The naked sun... The steel caverns... The robots of the morning dawn (not sure if these are correct titles in english because I only read the trilogy).

Otherwise you'll never fully understand the ending - when they redescover Earth and the planet that became the center of the unverse...

Danny252 17-06-2005 06:35 PM

Clive Cussler (yey! someone else knows him!)
Gervase Phinn
R.E. Fiest
Those are my favourites

UnHoly 17-06-2005 08:08 PM

Andrzej Sapkowski
Philip K. Dick
Umberto Eco
Henry Lion Oldi (two russian writers, if you find any of their book, you should buy it. They write very orignal fantasy books, so if you are bored of dragons, heroes, dwarfs, etc. you have to try them. But I think it's pretty hard to get any of their books outside Russia. In Poland the are onlu 4 books :)

I read much more, but here are favourite authors. Now I'm reading some H.P Lovercraft stories.

Zarkumo 17-06-2005 08:17 PM

There was a thread like this before. There was quite a number of interesting book discussions, so you might wanna run the search engine.

Edit: I mean this thread. :angel:

Here is what I wrote in that thread:


I am big fan of Scottish Lit (I know, they talk funny, but a lot of them can actually write quite well) and would definetely recommend Iain (M.) Banks. He calls himself Iain Banks when writing "regular" fiction, of which I would strongly recommend The Bridge and to a lesser extent The Wasp Factory. For some reason he calls himself Iain M. Banks when writing science fiction, of which I would strongly recommend Consider Phlebas, Feersum Enjin and maybe The Player of Games.
One of my alltime favourites is Alan Warner: Morvern Callar.

Looking at American Lit, I seem to be one of the few people who liked Chuck Palahniuk's Fight Club better than the movie version. The short stories of Edgar Allan Poe still rock today.

When it comes to German Lit, I would very strongly recommend anything from Franz Kafka, especially Die Verwandlung/The Metamorphosis and Der Proceß/The Trial.
I'd also strongly recommend Erich Maria Remarque: Im Westen Nichts Neues/All Quite on the Western Front which is just breathtaking.
In both cases, I am not sure how well the English translations are, though.

Anyway, I would strongly recommend to anyone to read at all, what you actually read is secondary in my opinion.

Playbahnosh 18-06-2005 12:27 AM

Philip K. Dick
Erich von Däniken
John Caldwell and Jeffrey Stone (awesome parodies :D )
J. K. Rowling (I know it seems childish, but I DO like the Harry Potter series :) )
P. Howard

By the way: does anyone have PHilip K. Dick books? I'd like to read them in original language, but I cannot find English versions here in hungary, no matter how hard I search :(

Ioncannon 18-06-2005 02:05 AM

well I have no favourit book.

Currently reading Druids. Nice interesting book

Timpsi 18-06-2005 11:47 AM

My recommendations from the previous thread still stand:


Originally posted by Timpsi
I'll elaborate a bit, so maybe someone will actually go and read the books I mentioned.

- The Poor Mouth is Flann O'Brien's answer to the typical "romantic misery" that Irish literature is quite well-known for. A pretty descriptive quote from here: "The Poor Mouth relates the story of one Bonaparte O'Coonassa, born in a cabin in a fictitious village called Corkadoragha in western Ireland equally renowned for its beauty and the abject poverty of its residents. Potatoes constitute the basis of his family's daily fare, and they share both bed and board with the sheep and pigs. A scathing satire on the Irish, this work brought down on the author's head the full wrath of those who saw themselves as the custodians of Irish language and tradition when it was first published in Gaelic in 1941."

I was laughing aloud while reading it. smile.gif

- The Third Policeman (also by O
Brien) is a strange, existential book. There's a story of the narrator meeting people like two policemen, of whom the first one has his own atomic theory (that involves bicycles), and the other is making chests that go inside each other, and of which the smallest ones are so small that you can't even see them. Simultaneously there are exceprts and explanations of the philosophy and research of "de Selby", the most insane scientist/philosopher the world has ever known (more info about him can be found for example here).

- Mikhail Bulgakov's The Master and Margarita is a true Russian classic, but not in the heavy "War and Peace" style. The Master and Margarita is a story of Satan and his henchmen coming to Moscow and causing quite a bit of confusion among the people. Simultaneously an account of things leading to Jesus' crusifixion is related. All the characters are described extremely well, and the humour is just splendid.

This is one of the best books I've ever read, and I find it a shame that it isn't known very well. There's a free eBook over here.

Currently reading Joseph Conrad's Heart of Darkness (the one Apocalypse Now! was based on). Looks good so far.

EDIT: More book recommendations in this old thread.

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