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Yavor 08-12-2004 04:19 PM

This game was one of my favourite when playing on my 286 IBM computer....which is funny couse I used this machine 2-3 years ago.I hadn`t the money to buy new computer. :rifle:

shoes23 08-12-2004 11:56 PM

I first remember playing a port of this game on the NES. I found it interesting at the time, but really couldn't understand everything that was going on (I was only 6 at the time), but played the original PC game and found it to be a great fantasy/strategy game. The remake this game on the PS2 (Robin Hood: Defender of the Crown) doesn't do this game any. Graphically evolved, but the gameplay just doesn't feel or play the same.

Rogue 09-12-2004 02:20 AM

There is also new port on Game Boy Advance. Wonder if is any good. :blink:

Petersen 09-12-2004 06:07 PM

I played this on an Amstrad with 512K for memory and two 5.25" floppies.

I used a joystick for the jousting and was pretty good at it, I always jousted for Land as it was a quick way to amas wealth.

My problem is that when I have downloaded this recently (not from this site yet) When the tournament stage comes , the game freezes just as the gameplay of the jousting begins.

any suggestion???

shoes23 09-12-2004 07:04 PM

I just got done running it through dosbox 0.63 and it seemed to run smoothly with no crashes. just make sure you have the newest version installed.

JJXB 09-12-2004 07:08 PM

i'd rather play the amiga version personally, still a good game :)

Myther 18-01-2005 08:45 PM

I remember playing this on my old comp AGES ago and it is quite easy to do the jousting. The usual counts to a definate win is 7 left arrow presses and 2 down arrow presses or 8 left arrow presses and 3 down arrow presses. Depends on where your lance starts off. You may need to slow the game down to be able to get the lance to the right spot tho. :)

Guest 19-02-2005 04:08 PM

One correction to:
"The tournaments are joust matches, and 99% of the times you play you always loose ( its the most difficult part of the game ), so at the choise that you are given at the start, about jousting only for glory, or for land, its better to always choose just fame :) "

It's incredibly easy to win the joust. Back in the 80's, my brother and I played it and he found out that you basically have three 'scenarios':
1 left 1 down (good)
3 left 3 down (avg)
5 left 7 down (bad)
The actual numbers are probably different (hey, it was almost twenty years ago...). But, the three saxons start according to their level and shift. Thus, geoffry longsword (or whatever) starts as bad and 'improves' whereas the good jouster (whoever) starts at good and moves from there.
Once you map the three scenarios, joust becomes a piece of cake, as does the game at one point. ..


Oh, and while loose is an English word, the author probably meant lose.

deric 25-02-2005 11:44 AM

i have been searching for this game for a very long time. :D

still remember the old time where can finish the game with all character in one sitting. unfortunaly i lost my grip here, so i need some guidance.

i dont know how to sword fight anymore. IIRC, i never lost before last time, but now, i dont know how to win.

what key to press? please do advice.

Execution Style 06-03-2005 06:20 PM

Wow.. I loved this game on the C64. Too bad PC version has the worst graphics of the lot.

Still, this is one of the hardest games to beat, which is why it kept me coming back. I wanted to point out that the reviewer had the opposite experience from me. Personally, I found the jousting to be the only way to win in a lot of games. Let me explain in detail because this is really tricky.

The tip of your lance bounces up and down with the horse's motion. It start down, bounces up and back down to the same spot. On the 4th bounce, when the lance reaches the bottom, that is the spot you will hit the enemy. You need to move your controller around so that at the bottom of the 4th bounce, the tip of your lance hits your opponent's shield, preferrably at the bottom.

I think I used to hit the fire button at that moment, too, although since I never had the manual (C64 days :D ) I really didn't know if that mattered.

You can win two chunks of land with every jousting tournament, so make use of this! You won't win at first, but with practise it will pay off :)

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