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BeefontheBone 22-03-2005 08:10 PM


Originally posted by DeathDude@Mar 22 2005, 08:36 PM
If there's one thing I follow it's never mix science and religion the argments go back and forth, since I am religious I believe the original story regardless of scientist proof.
See that's a good plan, but being a scientist I prefer to believe the things I have evidence for rather than what people just tell me to. The great flood thing is an interesting one though since it does crop up in a lot of belief systems and so on.

Lizard 22-03-2005 08:12 PM

Me too.But there is one interesting thing that I found throught my resreaching( I am doing a resreach for Histrory about great ancient myths(Pyramids,Stonghenge Flood and this stuff :D ) for hmm In english it would be called High School proffesion(nal???) resreach...It will give you a LOT of plus points when trying to get on University) -It depends on source from where you get your informations.I often found that one renowed scientist say that there was no flood( and have quite reasonable arguments) other renowed scientist says that there WAS a flood but not so giant in myths( again,he have very reasonable arguments...) and third one (renowed scientist) says that flood had almost destroyed the world and mankind was saved by aliens :blink: :whistle: (and again,he HAVE reasonable arguments....)
When I discovered this I try to read at least three or four sources about it before I make something like opinion.
Well a little :ot:

Yobor 22-03-2005 08:15 PM

Actually, Lizard, that was VERY on topic. :blink:
There is a sea somewhere in the general are there (I can't remember if it is the black sea or the red sea) but there is no oxygen farther down in it. Some people say that there was a large flood, but the water just covered up all the water beneath and the water beneath never got any more oxygen. (That may be confusing, but :max: )

BeefontheBone 22-03-2005 08:22 PM

Not only was that confusing but it doesn't really make sense, since oxygen doesn't respect "layers" of water - in fact you don't really have layers of water since any boundary would be crossed all the time by millions of H2O molecules along with all the other stuff.

There may be a bit with no oxygen there somewhere, but the explanation would be alot more complicated than that!

Yobor 22-03-2005 08:24 PM

Right BeefontheBone, I figured it was. All I was trying to say was that there is a sea where after a certain distance down there is no oxygen anymore. I watched a thing on the discovery channel where they found a ship perfectly preserved in there. They also said the reason for the no-oxygen-ness was because of a flood. More sensible?

Sebatianos 22-03-2005 09:11 PM

Well first off, like Deathdude already said - never mix science with myths!

Myths are not to be take literary. They have a certain messag and that message doesn't lose on importaince if you prove that the myth hasen't really happened.

So to look for flaws in a myth you must look at it from the point of time it was created: they knew only some parts of the world (for them that was the whole world). They knew only of a few animals (and I doubt very much the counted insects, bacteria, viruses,... among them). The smallest animal was probably a mouse (I doubt Noah brought worms to the Ark).
So the story would tell of events, that should be something like this. There was a lot of rain, and the rivers that were usually half dry started flooding. A man and his family moved into mountains to be safe. They were lucky enough and menaged to take most of their hear with them (they were probaly animal breathers). So after the flood they were well off. They were thanking their god, that they and their livestock was saved and so - it was god who saved them...

But there is one major flaw I find in this story - and this one would be a major flaw back in the biblical days as well!
The story explicidly says the only people that survived the flood were Noah's family. And since people can reproduce only in one manor, they had practice INCEST (interbreathing - and in extre amount of times) because they menaged to repopulate the WORLD!

Yobor 22-03-2005 09:14 PM

On one thing I saw it said that Noah lived over 120 years.

Many Christians I know (I do not know about Jews) say that Incest is ok if God tells them to do it. :blink:

Flop 22-03-2005 09:16 PM


Originally posted by Yobor@Mar 22 2005, 11:14 PM
On one thing I saw it said that Noah lived over 120 years.

Many Christians I know (I do not know about Jews) say that Incest is ok if God tells them to do it. :blink:

I've heard about christian mass murderers who said it was okay to kill people if God told them to. Also, I've heard about the crusades.

Lizard 22-03-2005 09:17 PM


Myths are not to be take literary. They have a certain messag and that message doesn't lose on importaince if you prove that the myth hasen't really happened.
He has a point...(charnel :D )

Sebatianos 22-03-2005 09:21 PM


Originally posted by Yobor@Mar 23 2005, 12:14 AM
Many Christians I know (I do not know about Jews) say that Incest is ok if God tells them to do it. :blink:
Well sorry to be the one to inform you, but Egypt had incest, but in Greek society it was one of the worst things possible. Christianity developed mostly in the Greek/Roman world - where incest was (still is) one of the biggest taboos - and shouldn't be (under any circumstance) practiced.

So I'd be really careful about such people - I'd prefer not knowing them. In fact I suggest you move away as soon as possible.
If there is a region in the world where they find incest acceptable - that's a region of the world I don't mind suffering another flood - and let only Noah survive.

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