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Darth Kcire 03-07-2012 11:18 AM

Is not that I don't like co-op in some games. There is some survivor horror games that's actually cool to play with a buddy. But it's only fun if it is an feature of the game, and you're not obligated to play in co-op.

For that same reason that I think co-op could ruin some great series, like in Silent Hill: The book of Memories.

Funkmaster5000 04-08-2012 11:32 AM

I think this is true in some ways. Co-op shifts the view from surviving to "OMG you're friend ist dead, press X and he will rise again". If you think of classic survival games, they were very hard to beat. Everything was poisoned, exploding, sharp, hot, cold, too heavy to carry etc. - pure danger! If you happen to meet other people, most of the time they were enemies. Your goal to beat the game was: to survive.

But I think this hasn't only happened to survival games. The games themselves became easy, sometimes it's enough to push the right button at the right time to win. The whole industry has changed. When I bought Jagged Alliance, it came with a nearly 100 page manual (in a nice box of course). Which modern game offers something like that? If you read the manual and beat the game you we're proud, beause you were actually good.

I think this is what makes older games so fascinating and easy to get lost in them. It weren't the off the hook graphics (from a nowadays point of view), it was the work connected with them. You were the expert in that special dungeon, even if the dungeon was made out of ASCII symbols. Nevertheless co-op added some nice action elements which are very entertaining. I wonder what it would be like, to play Wasteland in co-op mode :mhh:

Hunter Hunted 23-08-2019 05:45 PM

The best co-op horror game I ever played is, a PS2 game called Obscure. There was a sequel, but I didn't like it. You had to solve stupid door lock puzzles, and most of the returning characters were killed off.

One of the Onimusha games also had a secret co-op mode, but it was kind of too flaky to be fun. :smile2:

RE4/5/6 etc are "Call of Duty" games with a RE skin on them, in the same way RE7 is a RE game with a "Silent Hills" skin on it, as well as being a rip off of movies like Leatherface, Evil Dead, Trancers, etc. Pretty dire... :sick:

Also, Chris Redfield looks really stupid now. Like he was 50 in RE6 and somehow, RE7 pushed the guy back to being 25 again, and this is all because the RE Engine is gay and it sucks. When a 1998 game is better than a 2017 game, you know life sucks. :max:

twillight 24-08-2019 08:25 PM

I hate multiplayer in general.
You'll in best case scenario forced to have a second player who's already familiarwith the game more or less, but more often than not both of you need to have specific build with specific equipment doing specific things at specified moments.

Naturaly in MMOs especialy you'll have to have a 5 crew party of the above. Playing the same time, further being limited by quest-availibility of the game, because you know, you can only play lvl X-Y-00Z at 13:00 November, South Africa time, on the southern hemisphere, hitting ctrl+alt+del, standing upside-down, using the lastest controller, with your tongoue in your ear.

Just fok coop-mode.

And no, it's not better when an AI plays the "other player", as AIs are generaly dumb, especialy in games, to make you insert more coins into machines thatdon't even work by coins!!!!!

Hunter Hunted 25-08-2019 12:02 AM

Resident Evil is crap now. I hate it. :cry:

I mean, all you do is shoot and it's lame.

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