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Titan 03-08-2010 10:17 PM

A bit necro, but what the heck!

Just because it's a law in US, doesn't make it universal. It always boils down to your own country.
Here in Sweden we have a very different view on copyright then the rights of the one individual.
I was given techsupport by Atari a few years ago to defeat the copyprotection on Civ3, the very game they sold me, so i could make the physical backup of the CD/DVD I'm entitled to make and store. I don't see that happen anywhere else really.
Same thing with movie protections here. We can LEGALY defeat the copyprotection ,and lend a copy to a friend for him/her to watch, and have nowhere in this process broken any laws.

This seems to be a step in the right direction, but still, in MY world, it's far from the final goal.

_r.u.s.s. 03-08-2010 10:21 PM

yes, it's only in the us, but the most of copyright "protecting" companies and corporate mafiaa come from the us. and they do interfere with european websites and law too (just look at pirate bay for example..). so it's definitely a step forward

or this website dedicated to iphone jailbraking. it was taken down a few years ago- and it wasn't even american. now they put it back..

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