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Tomekk 30-11-2008 08:45 PM

Real Name: L. Tomekk
Age, Gender: 21, Male

"Codename":Warlord (Name me like this :P)
Preferred weapons:Heavy Rocket Launchers, Miniguns.
Squad Role: Heavy Weapons Guy, Support Gunner.
Specialized in: Shoot first, ask questions later.

Tervez 01-12-2008 01:08 PM
Our first base is located in USA. This is because USA pays most of our bills, so they really had the upper hand in the negotiations.
The base's commander, a mysterious character called General Millere, was less than enthusiastic about the base's layout. The living quarters and stores are limited indeed, so his first order was to build more of them. He also commissioned the building of an alien-containment facility and a long-range radar.

Many days pass without much happening, other than the foodfights in the cafeteria. On the 8th day, an UFO is spotted!

Interceptor-1 quickly catches the UFO and shoots it down. The wreckage still remains though, meaning it's time for our heroes to fight their first battle!

The Skyranger arrives to the scene in a few hours: hopefully the aliens will be a little dazed by the crash and won't have much time to hide...

And fortunately this seems to happen. As the Skyranger's ramp opens, our team is greeted with it's first enemy... a levitating alien?

Laiofcar: How the hell is it doing that?!
ianfreddie07: It doesn't matter, shoot it!

The alien seems to be surprised by it's gravity defying abilities too, and Laiofcar quickly kills it.

Our team covers it's Skyranger's exit with a smoke grenade, and scatters to eliminate the other threats.

Panthro barely sees through the smoke obscuring his vision, and manages to down an another alien.

The other houses seem to be empty, so our team readies it's attack on the UFO itself.

Capo and AlumiuN position themselves beneath the Grav-lifts. Capo primes his grenade and gets ready.

He goes up, and sees an alien very near himself. He throws the grenade practically next to his feet, but manages to escape the explosion by doing down with the Grav-lift.

An alien scream is heard, followed by a quiet sobbing. Capo goes up to investigate, and finds an another alien lurking in the corner, staring at the wall. It seems that the shock was too much for him. Capo mercifully silences it with his rifle.

The team searches the rest of the UFO, but no more aliens are found.
General Millere: "Mission accomplished! Recovery team is on it's route."
Panthro: There would be more to recover if Capo hadn't blow up that alien.
Capo: Not really. There's still the same amount of material to recover. Just a little bit harder to study I admit.
David86: You're really sick, aren't you?
Capo: Does it pay more? If so, then yes.

Capo 01-12-2008 03:15 PM

Is a dirty job but someone has to do it :cigar:

Panthro 01-12-2008 04:57 PM

have to say I've never seen a UFO that looks like that... and I've played this game LOADS. May have to load it up yet again.

Oh and Hell Yeah! about my first kill!

Dave 01-12-2008 05:29 PM


Originally Posted by Panthro (Post 343527)
have to say I've never seen a UFO that looks like that... and I've played this game LOADS. May have to load it up yet again.

Same for me! I have played this game for ages, is that a special edition of X-Com? O.o
I have never seen a flying sectoid, an UFO like that and a rookie promoted as Sergeant :omg:

Well done btw :thumbs:

Tervez 01-12-2008 06:40 PM

To speak the truth, this is the first time I've seen an UFO like that too. Perhaps it's one of those scout UFOs: it really rare to get one of those to leave a wreckage. And no, it's not a special version, just the one that was avaivable from Abandonia some time ago.
The flying sectoid was probably some weird bug, and a rookie being promoted to sergeant is new to me as well.

There are lots of coincidences here... maybe even too many...

Paco 01-12-2008 11:01 PM


Originally Posted by Tervez (Post 343542)
To speak the truth, this is the first time I've seen an UFO like that too. Perhaps it's one of those scout UFOs: it really rare to get one of those to leave a wreckage. And no, it's not a special version, just the one that was avaivable from Abandonia some time ago.
The flying sectoid was probably some weird bug, and a rookie being promoted to sergeant is new to me as well.

There are lots of coincidences here... maybe even too many...

Nope, Its not a Scout Ship. I too have never see something like this and i have played UFO for who know how many years.

*Put Capo on Kill-List* *evil grien*

Capo 01-12-2008 11:31 PM


Originally Posted by Paco (Post 343550)
*Put Capo on Kill-List* *evil grien*

Put your pants on and wash your rifle rookie! :cigar:

laiocfar 02-12-2008 12:59 AM

WOW! That was a strange mission!

The alien vessel was almost intact for a wreckage site. Also the alien craft was a clumsy design that looks like taken from TFTD. I never saw nothing like that before, i can tell that it wasnt the normal small scout. Once in about a thousand ground missions, i found one intact, it looked like 3x3 balloon on level 2, with 4 legs and a single square under. Also the air combat report talked about an small ufo, small scouts are very small. So it must be a medium scout(most likely by the speed) or a large scout. So far it doesnt looks like a bug, the vessel was very well designed for a bug. Lets take on the good side, we capture elirium, alloys, a valuable power source and at least one plasma. I am looking forward to see more new ufos.

Just to known, which difficulty are we talking about?

gufu1992 02-12-2008 02:29 AM

Can I join, because someone has to die by the alien grenade.
Name:Borisov Dmitry
Specialty:Mid range laser weaponry. Well, before that is researched - a coward with an assault weapon.

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