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dosraider 20-10-2008 10:23 PM

Don't worry too much, even if I'm Belgian now, I'm born in France, and emigrated to Belgium.
Chances you're family of me are slim.*

*But you never can be sure, of course....:bleh:

arete 21-10-2008 03:27 AM

You're French? That explains *everything* :perv: No wonder my British ancestry shuddered in horror at your presence... That's alright then. I'm pretty sure I have no le French relatives... *twirls her moustache* :whistling:

AlumiuN 21-10-2008 07:14 AM


sky_khan 21-10-2008 07:50 PM


Originally Posted by dosraider (Post 340530)
Opinions about that differ.

Maybe you should sue Wiki.

Is it really an argument ?
We know it's called Constantinapolis in 1453 and Ottomans continued using it very long time.
It's called Istanbul officially since 1770 when III. Mustafa started to print it on Ottoman money and

"With the Turkish Postal Service Law of 28 March 1930, the Turkish authorities officially requested foreigners to adopt Istanbul as the sole name also in their own languages." (Wikipedia)


pesky implementation flaw of forum is one thing, trying to teach me my own history is another.

dosraider 21-10-2008 08:01 PM


Originally Posted by Winston Churchill
“History is written by the victors.”

That's your history, and mine to if you want.

Chill out friend, none is trying to get on you.
Simple fact is: don't get upset for some names on an obscure abandonware forum, me thinks there are much more important things in life to spend your precious time.

And about the country/city names, it's been said and written here many times before, those who thought they could implement a fully correct list about those on a site must have a screw lose, it's idiotic.
It can only be done by allowing user input, not from some godforsaken list they grabbed on teh internet.

If you want things changed: is where you must be, not this forum, as they barely give that a look.
Good luck if you want them names corrected.
I would advise: don't hold your breath.

The Fifth Horseman 21-10-2008 08:02 PM

Don't be offended... Dosraider tends to argue with almost everyone.

Anyway. I'd really want to fix that - and a number of other things, in fact - but this lies solely in the power of our webteam. Who have in last six months proven themselves to be completely useless in regard to fixing bugs present on the site.

I found my home city on the list under a name it only appeared in during the German occupation in WWII, for example... that apart from the correct one and a third one I can't even imagine where studentis dug up.

AlumiuN 22-10-2008 07:17 AM


Originally Posted by The Fifth Horseman (Post 340672)
Don't be offended... Dosraider tends to argue with absolutely everyone.

There. Fixed.

Sky_Khan: At least they have your country on the list. :notrust: How could they leave out New Zealand? How? (although I'll admit that leaving out Russia is probably more major than that)

gregor 22-10-2008 12:30 PM

well i will just stay in Albania for the time being or at least until they give us back the option to type in on our own the name of place where we currently are.

Lulu_Jane 22-10-2008 12:55 PM

I am considering starting a war because Thailand isn't listed. It will be long and bloody and many good men shall perish, but it will be worth it!

arete 22-10-2008 01:02 PM

EmoLulu is almost worse than Bulu ... if that were possible :whistling:

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