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Mousazz 08-06-2008 06:42 PM


Originally Posted by bobinator1992 (Post 326089)
Question: When you get captured at the beginning, how do you get out? The warlord guy only appears once, and he's way overpowered (Unarmed against dual katanas. Yeah, that's real fair.)

**Spoiler** (maybe...)

First, you must be very good in an unarmed vs. guard combat. when the food lady comes in the first time and leaves, ask the prisoner about her, and next time she comes ask her about her husband. From then on your on your own...

P.S. here's a good trick for you. Buy two of those smokes and steal as much food as you can in the first village. go to the shrine and ask the monk to bless your smoke sticks. then light both of them with the prayer "restore my honor". congratulations, now you have about 50 food :)

Mousazz 09-06-2008 08:34 AM

Also I got a cool manual from . But, how do you get your monk's staff? it isn't a walkthrough and I haven't found one yet either

Mousazz 09-06-2008 02:25 PM


Originally Posted by einartass (Post 328343)
Also I got a cool manual from TEXTFILES . But, how do you get your monk's staff? it isn't a walkthrough and I haven't found one yet either

I found a walkthrough at the underdogs.

Sebatianos 10-06-2008 07:12 AM


Originally Posted by einartass (Post 328343)
But, how do you get your monk's staff? it isn't a walkthrough and I haven't found one yet either

You need to join the order of monks. After fighting and defeating your self you are accepted and you get the staff, but you need to find their island first.

Mousazz 10-06-2008 01:47 PM

Yes, I finished the game! :D And I don't even like RPG :o. Heh, guess this game is a LOT more interesting :amused:. Gonna try the other one now.

Originally Posted by Sebatianos (Post 326111)
No, that screenshot doesn't spoil the plot twist.

In fact it shows up when you want to abandon a current game in progres to show you how well (or poorly) you have preformed and a face appeares in teh mirror (kindda like showing you your score - nothing to do with the game plot).

Not exactly true...:noworry: The mirror of truth always turns into that demon-monster-head-thingy and the text always say "you face the mirror of truth... and it has found you wanting!" and the monster begins to laugh at you like a... monster. There's no way you can change it.

Also, I'd suggest you buy a provincial map and a sextant. Then, go to the hut on the islands in the east and take the explorer's map. It will be MUCH easier to understand where you are. Then go and attend the monastery and then... :confused: you'll have to do everything yourself.

Sebatianos 10-06-2008 07:49 PM

Well, I never said it changes - did I?

That's the only function of that mirror I could find. Even if it doesn't really do anything, it remnds me so much of Sid Meier's games, where you always got your face in a different possition (with different social status), so I though that's why they've put it there. Saying the game is trying to make a fool out of you seems a bit too harsh :)

OBMiT 10-06-2008 08:14 PM


Originally Posted by DonCorleone (Post 326015)
I will never actually get how a game can reach a FIVE-POINT-OH mark!


This game is perfect! That's how!

Azeus 28-08-2008 08:08 AM

how 2 find dragon? i've search sea around isle of the dead but couldn't find one..can somebody help me?

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