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Blood-Pigggy 07-05-2008 09:18 PM

No, Fallout had the same thing where my most memorable moments were speaking to Lou or The Master.

What I meant is that Planescape is pure story. There is no tangible gameplay, it's just filler so that it can be called a "game".
The people that rave about it let the story get in the way and completely ignore the point of a review, which is to both technically and personally inform people of the game. That means if you loved a game you still have to point out its flaws.

I loved some games that other people hated, I loved Black & White, but the thing is, as a game, Black & White is massively flawed, I would never score it higher than a 7.0.

While I'll rave about Planescape's story, the instant someone asks for a recommendation I'll give a firm "no". I'm assuming people are asking for a recommendation of a good game, not a good story.

It's not just the participation, it's that everything is built up for you. There's no ability to influence the story or uncover different things depending on how you play. It's an RPG with the story of an Adventure game. It doesn't work and it feels jarring. So while the story is great, they implemented it poorly as well.
I mean, the story of that game is that it ALREADY HAPPENED, this stuff is past tense, the story that you advance through yourself is meager and has little to no opportunity for you influence it, aside from making some superfluous decisions.

There's too much wrong with Torment to point out in one statement, all I can say is that it's a flawed mess and reviewers should have pulled their pretentious heads out of their asses and done their job which is review a game, not get their little brains all excited just because someone managed to write a good story.

Spoonman 09-05-2008 07:48 PM

Personally I really don't give a monkey about how hardcore RPG a RPG is or even if it's RPG enough to be an RPG or what a RPG should be about, as long as it manages to suck me into it's world and makes me keep it playing on and on. Yes, the combat is far from flawless, but I just never cared enough. For like with Fallout and Soul Reaver I wanted to finish it, just to see it unfold the way it does. Call me a conformist, but I just like to get entertained.

Blood-Pigggy 09-05-2008 08:14 PM

It's all about false advertising Spoonman.

They said deep RPG with Oblivion, that was obviously not the case. Also that was just philosophical gaming stuff. It's not about Planescape being an RPG or not, it's about the game sucking, those little paragraphs were just retorting back to the people who think Planescape is the greatest RPG ever without taking into consideration what how much the core design of the game blows.
Namely everything but the writing and graphics.

God damn people, I wrote the review because the game sucks, not because I wanted to make a point about how RPGs are supposed to be.

Geezer 09-05-2008 09:06 PM


Originally Posted by Blood-Pigggy (Post 325497)
It's all about false advertising Spoonman.
God damn people, I wrote the review because the game sucks, not because I wanted to make a point about how RPGs are supposed to be.

OK? You spent the first four paragraphs telling us what you thought RPGs should be.

Blood-Pigggy 09-05-2008 09:21 PM

You have got to be kidding me, it was an introductory paragraph JMB, what did you want me to do? Immediately start analyzing the game like some boring sod hack of a writer?

Yeah, and the other twenty paragraphs are all about how the game fails in almost every aspect of being a good game.

Geezer 10-05-2008 01:10 AM

Calm down, BP. Just messin with ya. You obviously have strong opinions on the subject. I'm ok with that. I might not agree with them but that is ok too. I'm going to go read some reviews of games you liked. I want to see the other side of Blood Piggy. :)

BTW, keep writing. I have enjoyed reading your stuff. This one came off as unusually abrasive for some reason. Maybe the numbnuts thing was a little strong for my taste. That part read like you knew you were going to get criticized and were defending yourself (or attacking) in advance. You definitely have a unique style.

Frankie 26-04-2009 03:35 PM

It's coming......:sick:

The first serious controversy strikes in when I compare BP's distaste towards story (reading) oriented RPGs -- which in my book has a valid presence in the genre -- and the horrifying bulk of the post.

While only able to read about half of it, the closing numbers appear like the results of a glitchy RNG's. If I wouldn't have played this game before and would need some feedback on it I'd rather look for a detached review instead of this mental masturbation which's subjectivity is extended to the absurds.

If anyone seen the crappy Onion Movie, the short story of the roleplaying nerd who pops into the party uninvited and ultimately ruins everyone's fun flashed through my mind while reading this "review".

ianfreddie07 26-04-2009 03:53 PM

Nice bump Frankie. :p

Anyway, in short... you're saying this is a terrible review?

Story driven RPGs are already fitting well in the genre, but then if the gameplay of the RPG can't support/complement the story well enough... Everything else falls apart. You'd be reading a book, instead of playing a game. Not good.

TotalAnarchy 26-04-2009 03:58 PM

I didn't read the review, but saying that Planescape: Torment is a bad game because it's not a true RPG is like saying Castlevania is sh*t because it has a stupid name.

Frankie 26-04-2009 04:12 PM


Originally Posted by ianfreddie07 (Post 361695)
Nice bump Frankie. :p

Anyway, in short... you're saying this is a terrible review?

Story driven RPGs are already fitting well in the genre, but then if the gameplay of the RPG can't support/complement the story well enough... Everything else falls apart. You'd be reading a book, instead of playing a game. Not good.

1) Was reading through reviews, found this, happens to be my favorite game, and I'm a careless necromancer anyway. :)

2) Yes.

3) I didn't have too many problems with the gameplay. The close view was weird at the start but I think it was applied for not to see your environment further then you should. I liked the spell's animations and I loathe Final Fantasy aswell. I really didn't get it why to whip those animations so hard if you'll have to read a lot a couple minutes later.
I'm trying to take out the best of games usually and play it the way it's intended. This one obviously focused on the story, I payed less attention for the graphics -- which was considered good in its time -- and I was familiar with the gameplay and could come over its drawbacks.

I like some games as I like a good movie. The more I analyse these, the more magic they lose imho. Play it through two or three times and have its memory like a movie's.

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