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Eagle of Fire 04-06-2006 07:30 PM


Lawl, yes it is, and no matter how many times you say it isn't it will always be tongue.gif[/b]
No, it is really the opposite. No matter how much time you, anybody or even Blizzards says that it's a RPG, it's not. It's a fact, not a discussion. ;) The best classification for Diablo II would be "Dungeon Crawler".


Bitmap brothers' Z

I've been thinking of uploading it to this site but first I got to find that disc... now where did I leave it? unsure.gif [/b]
I have this game original disk right here... Never been able to make it run on my XP machine or in DOSBox. If anybody is able to solve this problem I'd be happy to upload it myself. :ok:

Tulac 04-06-2006 07:32 PM

Dungeon Crawling is an essence of RPG...

Blood-Pigggy 04-06-2006 08:34 PM

Lawl yeah really.
Eagle, it has all the elements of an RPG, so what does it matter, Battlezone is mostly an FPS game, but everyone calls it an Strategy game.

troop18546 04-06-2006 08:39 PM

<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(Blood-Pigggy @ Jun 4 2006, 10:07 PM) [snapback]234259[/snapback]</div>


That game is horrid! The only entertaining thing about it is the terrible translations!
Nevermind him, he's wrong about this game.
Play it if you want to get away from those old dungeons seen in any other RPG.

P.S. Although Diablo has some elements of an RPG, it fails to have the "essence" of what makes games RPG's:
A twisting storyline with the ability to "choose your destiny" (Shao Kahn).

Blood-Pigggy 04-06-2006 10:04 PM

The game is terrible, horrid balancing, even more repetitive than Diablo, and it has terrible graphics and some of the most boring items and skills.

Oh, and that's not the essence of RPGs, the essence of RPGs is developing a character, that's why they're called ROLEplaying games.
Diablo has enough of that to make it an RPG, if every RPG was about a branching storyline where you could choose your destiny, then almost any game could be an RPG, that's why you see Deus Ex as an RPG/FPS but not The Suffering as an RPG/FPS, both allows you to choose your course of action, but only one has character development.

_r.u.s.s. 04-06-2006 10:26 PM

diablo is role playng game=]

well, its rpg with more action but rpg doesnt always have to be d&d or something

Eagle of Fire 05-06-2006 01:56 AM

We already got this discussion in the past. I'm not seeking a conversation here, I'm merely stating facts. Whatever you guys say or I say, the other will not change their way of viewing things so I suggest that we simply drop it. :rolleyes:

Blood-Pigggy 05-06-2006 02:36 AM

How can you be stating facts when facts are supposed to be statements rooted in truth when what you're saying is obviously lies. :tai:

Eagle of Fire 05-06-2006 03:55 AM

Because you are plain wrong. A role playing game is a game in which you play the role of a person, you decide what they do and in fact become the character with your actions. Best example would be AD&D (pen and paper, of course) or MUDS and Mushes. In Diablo II you decide absolutly nothing, the only part of the game in which you decide something is in the action part if you kill such and such monster first or not. The rest is only stats that you pile up with each levels and skills that you decide to upgrade or not.

Granted, there is a very minor part of the game which may be referenced to RPG. However, this part of the game can't possibly add up to more than 10% (and I'm feeling generous). Every single games in existence can have a hint of RPG, yet we don't call them RPG either.

Diablo II is an action game, plain and simple as it rely on quick reflexes of the player to make the character survive. Everything else revolving around the game is made so you can bash the next monster more efficiently until you ultimatly kill Diablo (or Bhaal if I remember his name right, for the extention). Nothing else matter, the story can't be changed by any means, you don't have a choice to do such and such quests because if you don't the game is simply locked up until you do. You don't even have a choice of doing such quest or such other quest to decide the way your character evolve when the story unfold which may then have been enough to say that there is enough RPG element in this game to grant the title...

Diablo II, in facts, is way more similar to an adventure game than a RPG, you simply guide the PC to the end of the story. It is of course in no way an adventure game either.

_r.u.s.s. 05-06-2006 03:13 PM

there are more of that kind, this is "prepared" game for player and there are not possibilities of choosing the way how will story develope. but still you decide ohow will your Character develope. true though, its action rpg, not d&d or some other turn based and real timing (reflexes you said) doesn't change if it's rpg or not.

oh yes,

Whatever you guys say or I say, the other will not change their way of viewing things so I suggest that we simply drop it. rolleyes.gif
true =)

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