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Kon-Tiki 02-01-2005 01:13 AM

And you all better be using that from now on, as I'm rigging all other browsers :ph34r:

bjbrains2002 02-01-2005 01:23 AM

LOL kon-tiki, i don't own a c64!

Eagle of Fire 02-01-2005 01:30 AM

What's that? I voted IE but the vote got to Firefox/Mozilla instead??? :blink:

Well anyways, I wanted to vote IE because I never tryied any other browser other than Netscape (and that's because I had to) and I never could be bothered enough to change. I worked hard enough to try to get IE kind of safe, I seriously don't have that kind of time to do it with another browser again.

Borodin 02-01-2005 02:39 AM


Originally posted by Eagle of Fire@Jan 2 2005, 02:30 AM
Well anyways, I wanted to vote IE because I never tryied any other browser other than Netscape (and that's because I had to) and I never could be bothered enough to change. I worked hard enough to try to get IE kind of safe, I seriously don't have that kind of time to do it with another browser again.
Check out the features on the others, though, if only to see what you might be missing. ;)

Rogue 02-01-2005 04:47 AM

I voted IE.

I am using Netscape and Opera too (just to be able to check web develompent of site), but most of the time I use just IE, with spybot protection (locked host list, locked home page, and IE preferences and couple of other goodies)

JJXB 02-01-2005 05:09 AM

i abandoned IE as soon as i could for firefox (tried opera as well but i didn't like it)

Puffin 02-01-2005 06:38 AM

I've got Firefox, and I really like it.
The main reason I got it, is because my school forum looks f**ked up in other browsers, and I'd heard great things about Firefox. And I really like it, especially the tabbed browsing and ad-blocker.
But I have to say, I've only tried Firefox, IE and I tried Netscape many years ago. Can't say much about Netscape, I wasn't much into computers back then..
I don't really like IE. Well, I have nothing against it, but I think that the tabbed browsings and Ad-block that i have on Firefox is really comfortable, and I hate it when I have to use IE on some other computers.. But I'm just so used to Firefox. And there seem to be more and more sites that support Firefox, like my school forum does. Everything is messed up in IE, pics are dislocated etc. And there seem to be more and more sites like that. I really reccomend Firefox ;)

feminista 02-01-2005 06:48 AM

I've got an answer for another reason not to use Opera: a totally screwed up rendering engine. Now, I'm not saying that it's not standards compliant, it probably is (though the fact that it is affected by the IE bug with CSS is pretty weird), but the fact remains that a great many sites render incorrectly with Opera, and correctly with Firefox. Firefox, on the other hand, remains the most standards-compliant and speedy rendering engine I've ever seen. I've gotten all my friends to use an alternative browser, and they thank me constantly and share my despair whenever we're forced to use IE.

One other thing I dislike about Opera, that seems a very minor complaint, but which bothers me to no end is this: Ctrl-~ doesn't cycle through your windows! You have to use Ctrl-1, Ctrl-2, Ctrl-3, etc, and hope to remember which is which! What could be more ridiculous? When I switched initially from Safari (mac user here), I found I could not get over this missing feature which I had taken for granted in IE and Safari. Luckily, I found it present in Firefox when I switched browsers again, and I'm now perfectly happy with my browsing experience. Thi probably matters to very few other people, especially since so many people use tabs anyway, but I'm EXTREMELY keyboard-oriented (can't stand tabs), and I MUST have a way to cycle between windows (on Windows you can Alt-Tab, but in hierarchical operating systems, we differentiate between programs and windows, optimizing processor speed (and dock space) by running only one instance of a program at a time, and using multiple instances of window objects instead). Rawr.

And as for our text-based friends, Links is far superior to lynx, because it supports tables, meaning poorly-designed pages will degrade better (doesn't matter with modern stylesheet-based design, but that's only about 3% of the internet). And furthermore, it has a stylish interface. And w3m looks good from what I've read, though I haven't tried it yet. Anyway, lynx is antiquated, and if you're into alternative browsers enough to use it, you should be using something else.


Tulac 02-01-2005 09:50 AM

The results are odd.If you take a look at the sites statistics(there's a link a the bottom of the main page) , you can see that 80% of visitors use IE (or at least IE shells), I know that most of them aren't forum members and can't vote but still...

I would just recommend anyone who is still using IE , that it's really the smartest thing for them to switch, at least to MYIE2 or some other IE shell, because they can really make the browsing easier than in the normal IE , really people you'll see it's worth it!!!!

Eagle of Fire 02-01-2005 10:06 AM


The results are odd.If you take a look at the sites statistics(there's a link a the bottom of the main page) , you can see that 80% of visitors use IE
That's not that odd, considering the question is about the prefered browser, not the one you actually use... ;)

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