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Eagle of Fire 11-02-2013 06:28 PM

I would not mind playing a game now that I know what I'm doing. I pretty much won my last game when both other players (who wanted to find people to play, they are those who introduced me to the game) dropped out after they realized that there was no way they could win against the build I had then.

That's the thing though... It might be rather easy to start a game, but having a lot of dropouts might dramatically change the way it is played out in the end. I would dare hope that having a lot of players might swing things around with alliances and whatnot if someone is really too powerful to bother with.

That's another big flaw if you ask me. Compounded by the first few flaws I already mentioned in the other thread.

Smiling Spectre 12-02-2013 08:45 AM

Well, for me it's always "there is must be only one", so shabby alliances is not a problem for me. :) Otherwise - well, we always can make at least 1v1 party with some guest AIs, no? :)

Eagle of Fire 15-02-2013 06:00 AM

If you think it might be fun, why not?

There is a lot of options to discuss before we can play though. Which era? Which version of the game are you using? Which map size? etc.

It also would be way more interesting with more human players. For the reasons I already stated.

Smiling Spectre 16-02-2013 07:22 AM

As I am "random player", it no matters for me what era we'll play. I am fine as with "big magic" old, as with "technological" third. :) So you choose it! :)

Version: last available, of course. 3.27, I suppose? Something around it.

Map size: I am all for ultra-mega-huge maps, as they gives me freedom I need. But it's strictly for single-player. For multi it will be utterly painful. :) So something mid-size will be fine.

For humans, well, you need people with game. Forum post will do, I think, so select preferrable settings and let's put the post into "Forum Games" section! :)

Eagle of Fire 17-02-2013 02:34 AM

I'm not sure I understand what you mean by "random player". This game is really the last game you'd want to jump into a random race you didn't tailor yourself.

Smiling Spectre 18-02-2013 02:53 AM

Oh, just as I said, I am equally bad in any race I tried so far, so if not getting deep in aquatic or necrotic races that have significantly different gameplay, I think, I will be fine with anything. ("Fine" like "able to play", not like "master it and defeat anyone". :)

Eagle of Fire 18-02-2013 04:49 AM

Just to make sure we're on the same page... Do you have any idea what a SC Pretender, a blessing strategy or a rainbow mage is?

Those are basic strategies you absolutely need to know before you dabble in MP Dominion 3... Otherwise, unless you thrive in being trounced and trying to overcome incredible odds while playing, you won't do much nor have much fun...

Smiling Spectre 19-02-2013 03:21 AM

*Sigh* Well, if you feel that it will be not much fun after all, let's abandon this idea at last.

No, I have no idea what is supercombatant pretender, overbuffed blessings or mage-of-all-trades (even if I tend to use last one now and again - it's only natural consequences of my playstyle, not purposed strategy). Just as I said several times already, I am not very good in winning strategies at all. If you feel that it will be butchering - forget it. Sorry for taking so much of your time.

Eagle of Fire 20-02-2013 06:54 AM

Don't feel that way. If I thought I was wasting my time I would not bother replying so much.

The thing is, you have to know those strategies to even be competitive in a MP game because even if you do not wish to use those strategies you still need to know what or how your opponent did to get there so you can start guessing or finding ways to counter it.

I'd be happy to help you improve on your "winning strategies" on Dom3 if you wish. I'm not really experienced but I do know enough of the basics to at least give you a good hope of doing something in MP. Otherwise it would be interesting to play against an human instead of a computer but you might simply not even have the means to be able to do something relevant.

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