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Tom Henrik 23-05-2004 11:42 AM


My army of smurfs is evergrowing :D

Hope you enjoy the game.

Maybe it will come on the site later :wink:

(And for those who wonders how I do it. Well, as I have said in another topic. I only use Altavista. That and some common sense... And LOTS of different search words :) )

Tom Henrik 23-05-2004 11:47 AM

Shareware version?!

DAMN! :evil:


OK.... Then you will have to wait a little more, sorry.

FreeFreddy 23-05-2004 11:49 AM

I'm sure you'll find this (I believe in you :D )!

Tom Henrik 23-05-2004 11:52 AM

Are you sure it is a Shareware?

I'm not getting any sign of it being one...
The download even invludes the manual for the game...

Have you opened both files, after downloading the game?

FreeFreddy 23-05-2004 11:57 AM

Start the game and select info. Then you'll see. Also see the text-files in the archive, there is mentioned it it shareware.

Tom Henrik 23-05-2004 12:10 PM


FreeFreddy 23-05-2004 12:14 PM

Impossible, isn't it? :roll:

Tom Henrik 23-05-2004 12:21 PM

Try this link...

You will have to scroll down the entire page, and the a little bit up. You'll see some fies called WARWz103....

I'm still a novice when it comes to computers, so I don't know how to get the game running (if it is possible), but maybe you have more luck :wink:

FreeFreddy 23-05-2004 12:43 PM

This second one is a shareware too, but somewhat older one than the first that i have too and even not possible to play because there are no executables (perhaps source-code of some kind...). The files there are for sure no archives. It is even possible that this older version is for Amiga and needs emulator...

Tom Henrik 23-05-2004 12:52 PM

I am working with an alternative way of getting the game....

Mr. Brad McQuaid himself... :wink:

(Cool avatar, by the way)

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