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dipo 23-03-2008 09:29 PM

Why you are so sure that no one could profit from it?

All bugs I am talking about are already discussed a lot in their forums. The developers seam not to be able to fix it (don`t want to say bad things about their work, them already did great things without any support from microsoft).

DeathDude 23-03-2008 10:10 PM


Originally Posted by dipo (Post 321873)
A petition does not cost much money because server coast. Siging in and writing down stuff isn`t expensive. There is also no legal risk. People ask, them say yes or no or ignore it. That`s all. No curt at all.

For the site who is starting the petition it`s also a good PR. Besides that I am still meaning "try before giving up".

Some people say microsoft is evil. Microsoft is a firm who want to earn money and not a friend. But them are also not the devil. If them think it would be good PR then them are open to it. Here are a few examples where it did work:

- People started a petition that Xp reches end of life (no more security updates) soon -> now Xp is supported until 2014. (microsoft losed a bit money that way because people can save money and do not need to pay Vista, and them can buy Windows 7 then already)

- People did complain about bad interop -> microsoft helped the guys from samba (linux to windows network sharing) by giving out some documentation and samba works better now.

- People did complain that microsoft is fighting Free Software -> microsoft changed it`s policy a bit on it because them recognized that it`s better that way.

In regards to that petition about extending XP life, it was actually all the complaints from companies like Dell, Best Buy etc.. that were complaining about how much customers wanted XP instead of Vista and how they were losing sales as a result of only being able to put Vista on their machines, not to mention other businesses who were rolling back their computers to XP after the initial Vista fiasco, so Microsoft finally gave in and extended that deadline.

Honestly a petition especially one that is online is definitely far less likely to even get noticed much less recognized with the potentials for abuse and multiple signings by users, its a neat idea but I doubt Microsoft would even consider it at this point in time, with all the things on their plate right now, 360, Vista, competing with google etc...

Sebatianos 24-03-2008 01:20 AM

If you do feel so strongly about it DIPO, you can acctually start the pettition. It's very easy to open your very own new web site (try zoomshare or some toher extremelly easy to use tool for creating a website) and place the pettition there.

I'm sure there are some people on this forum that would join in and sign the pettition and you can also try and convince other people from other forums you visit to do so.

I don't know why you feel you must convince other people it's a good idea before you want to start a pettition.

The idea itself (even though it won't help any, because Microsoft will not take it seriously and even if they would release MSDOS - whichever version - as open source, the problems still would't be solved) is not bad, so if you are for it, start the petition. It's really easy.

Adamg 24-03-2008 01:57 AM

Sure, I would sign a petition asking Microsoft to release the source code for DOS 6.22. But would Microsoft ever release it? I say the odds of that are about .001%, probably less. :notrust:

Eagle of Fire 24-03-2008 03:26 AM

I am still not convinced releasing DOS whatever version as free source would help solve any kind of problem playing old games. If it would actually solve any kind of problems...

I mean, what have we been doing the last 5 years? I played all the DOS games I ever wanted to play, even those I had an extremely hard time running on native DOS machines, all because of VDMSound + XP and DOSBox.

What is there to complain about in term of availability?

Just like I'd never sign up the petition about saving XP, I won't sign whatever petition asking for DOS 6.22 to be open source. What's my business in deciding what Microsoft should do as far as their company business is concerned? None as far as I'm concerned...

rabadi 24-03-2008 04:25 AM


Originally Posted by Adamg (Post 321892)
I say the odds of that are about .001%, probably less. :notrust:

Ditto. I'd rather support FreeDOS instead.

Sebatianos 24-03-2008 06:32 AM

OK, I haven't much coding knowladge to begin with (my programing skills got stuck in some basic elementar programs on Turbo Pascal and C64 Basic), but I'd rather support DOSBox project than freedos, but yes - I think such projects are more promising then having MS-DOS 6.22 freed (remember the problems I had with it and how I couldn't run many older games, because I would still need to slow them down... and haven't had the tools to do so, and no internet yet to download them from).

Still if people fel they want to have a petition - let them use their own iniciative, but not using the name of Abandonia. Have an independent petition and I guess if there's a post here nobody would object you trying to advertise the pettition - but don't expect our member to automatically sign it.

Data 24-03-2008 08:37 AM


Originally Posted by dipo (Post 321877)
All bugs I am talking about are already discussed a lot in their forums. The developers seam not to be able to fix it (don`t want to say bad things about their work, them already did great things without any support from microsoft).

Please give me examples (and proof that it's related to DOS emulation part of DOSBox)

Rogue 25-03-2008 11:08 AM

1 Attachment(s)
Seems that some folks don't know how is to run DOS machine...

As for DOS, if someone likes to use it, I'm sure they will find it online and try it. Original DOS disks (I have them, together with Win3.11, WFW3.11 and previous version of windows starting with Win1.0) did not do any miracle, it is still ol' hard to configure DOS, which will not run all games right away. It requires DOS knowledge of setting autoexec and config files in the order to work properly.

And Microsoft still offers DOS to IT professionals trough MSDN. (check picture) Same goes for Win3.11.

Panthro 25-03-2008 06:09 PM

In principle, I would like to see more software released as freeware, once it is no longer commercially viable, or just due to the good will of those persons who created or own the said software.

In the case of MS-DOS, it's not something I'm looking for in particular, given the fantastic job that people are doing with regards to DosBox, VDMsound et al.

I also agree that microsoft is unlikely to listen to a petition, which is a bit unfortunate.

I would rather talk to ESA about its restrictions on abandonware, and attempt to get them to reduce such restrictions, especially for software that has been out of production for longer than a given amount of time. Unfortunately I have no knowledge of copyright law!

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