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Hassialan 16-05-2013 08:37 AM

There is just no interest. About like film telephones.
They have been offered in the business sector since decades back. I got some of them however these quality are so much poor

Tracker 16-05-2013 06:03 PM

Actually, from what I've read so far in the news, this Oculus Rift VR thing is really just getting off, people who are engineers have ordered their own development kits and began experimenting with it - they hooked it up to Team Fortress 2, Half-Life 2 (THE SOURCE ENGINE!) and even Skyrim. It looks appealing to me.
Not to mention hooking it up to Microsoft Kinect!

Panthro 16-05-2013 08:12 PM

Not sure I'd ever bother with the Oculus Rift (or similar). I don't think that strapping some 3D goggles to your face is really going to be a significant improvement.

I've already tried nvidia's 3D vision, and it can make me feel ill, or get headaches. The 3D effect isn't even that great.

From what I've seen, the Oculus Rift is similar, just with the glasses replaced by a screen in front of your eyes.

A cool gimmick perhaps, but not exactly revolutionary.

Eagle of Fire 17-05-2013 04:52 AM

Especially since it was created like decades ago.

Anything which force me to wear something (glasses, helmet, etc) is not 3D for me anyways.

Tracker 17-05-2013 09:26 AM


Originally Posted by Eagle of Fire (Post 452733)
Especially since it was created like decades ago.

Anything which force me to wear something (glasses, helmet, etc) is not 3D for me anyways.

Don't tell me you think about Nintendo Virtual Boy. :p Unfortunately, holograms, in sci-fi movie fashion are not currently possible, since there's no material yet that we could project light to in 3D. Until then, I'm with OR, in a year it'll hit the shelves and maybe even my room. :D

RRS 17-05-2013 10:23 AM


Originally Posted by Hassialan (Post 452701)
There is just no interest.

There was little interest for all those cumbersome "power gloves", right?
Who would like to swing the controller in the air, that sounds imprecise and looks stupid, right?

Lo and behold, Kinect.


Most of the people who reply on this subject keep mistaking the static stereoscopic display (current reboot of old fad, think watching Avatar in the cinema - I'm NOT talking about this!) with motion tracking display.

Now, motion tracking with static screen is implemented in that TrackIR thing, forcing you to peek on the monitor. If you want to turn around and see who's chasing you in-game, there's no other way than wearing something on your head (even a holodeck like in Star Trek would have limited viewing distance).

Whoever says "little interest" has never been in the flight simulation community. Those people are so dedicated they build custom controllers (like 4-engine throttle levers!), buy expensive rudder pedals ...or even build custom multi-monitor fake cockpits! Don't tell me they wouldn't buy goggles that would enable them to look around the virtual cockpit, checking their six.
Racing simulation fans (who sometimes go as far as buying wheel controllers) would also benefit from motion tracking goggles.

Mind you, stereoscopy in motion tracking goggles is a side effect of having two tiny screens, each in front of your eye. If it was a single screen, there wouldn't be 3D result.

Tracker 17-05-2013 11:50 AM

I need to agree with RRS on this subject. It's a very new technology that is unprecedented. So far what I've heard people who have tried it are very excited and sort of enjoyed the experience.

There's still at least a year until it will be released. I really hope they are not going to jump on the Christmas bandwagon only to ship development kit quality VRs with little to no software support. By the time the first Oculus Rift exclusive titles will be announced it will be ready for mass consumption.

Be sure to check out these links to get an idea of what the Oculus Rift is:

Interview with Oculus Rift Vice President Nate Mitchell Pt. 1

Interview with Oculus Rift Vice President Nate Mitchell Pt. 2

Vireio Perception vs. Oculus Rift - an open letter to Nate Mitchell

Playing Skyrim with Oculus Rift and Kinect

Half-Life 2 on the Oculus Rift

Minecraft in the Oculus Rift

Official News

RRS 17-05-2013 12:53 PM

Trust me, I'm very cautious towards new things. Frankly, I'm not sure if I'll want to play FPS games regularly with motion tracking HMD.

Ever since Quake I've been using keyboard+mouselook control scheme. Looks like the old Doom control scheme (keyboard only) will be reused. Motion tracking HMD (like Oculus) will substitute mouselook, which was used not only for looking, but also for aiming. Are you sure your head is steady enough for those sniper shots?

See? Flight simulations use complex keyboard shortcuts, but otherwise multiple-button joysticks used in conjunction with throttle can give us HOTAS capability - some people play this way even now, so the only change will be beneficial one: no need to use joystick's hat trigger for looking around.

I'm surprised that so far only MS FSX is being mentioned next to Oculus. They really need to reach the flightsim fans. While less numerous, those people have greater spending power.

Tracker 17-05-2013 04:59 PM

I can imagine Oculus Rift, or Head-Mounted Displays (I didn't know HMD stands for that) being used in FPSes like Full Spectrum Warrior, where aiming is more-or-less separate from looking around. So you could still use your mouse to aim, you would move a crosshair across your vision.
Well, it is only natural that this kind of VR technology would be more than suitable for simulators - the level of immersion is close to real in racing games where you have a steering wheel and pedals like in real cars, especially with force feedback supporting wheels.
Imagine sitting in an AH-64 Apache attack helicopter simulator, firing at targets with the Integrated Helmet and Display Sighting System (IHADSS) - a system which lets you target stuff by looking at them!

RRS 17-05-2013 07:12 PM


Originally Posted by Tracker (Post 452765)
So you could still use your mouse to aim, you would move a crosshair across your vision.

This - or using a handheld motion-tracking controller, similar to Wii Remote, that will serve as your gun (with "run forward", "strafe left" etc. buttons).

Such device requires "hands on controller, eyes off controller" approach.

It's appalling to see all the clueless people on the OculusVR forum... somebody commented "Oculus would be great for chess too" :doh:

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