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Tulac 18-05-2009 01:49 PM

I still dislike the emphasis on quicksaving in your article, I don't think quicksaving has much to do with that. Hell you can if you wish save every 3 hours in Fallout 3 and it's still very likely that you won't die during the gameplay. In other examples games like Baldur's Gate had an excellent saving systems (which didn't allow you to save when you were near enemies), but still allowed you to experiment which is much more fun than being crude and conventional because the saving system forces you to just repeat a formula that works.

Besides it's silly talking about quicksaving when you can just *gasp* not use it.

Japo 18-05-2009 08:03 PM


Originally Posted by Tulac (Post 365196)
Useless rant.

I thought this is what this colum was all about. :p


Also the quicksave was always present on the PC, while it wan't on consoles due to memory restrictions.

Originally Posted by red_avatar (Post 365241)
PC games have NOT always had quicksave. Quicksave only became widely used in the late 90's. Before, you had to manually go the the menu and save your game

"Always" is a long time, there was a time when no games had save feature to begin with. Even if the PC was more suited to offer it from the beginning, there were many games, especially arcade, that don't.

And in consoles it wasn't a memory restriction as much as the fact that they didn't have writable permanent memory. Very few old console games let you save, by using an additional RAM module with a battery in the cartridge.

The Fifth Horseman 18-05-2009 08:35 PM


Besides it's silly talking about quicksaving when you can just *gasp* not use it.
If it's there, you'll use it sooner or later. That's the bottom line.
Not using quicksaves is what single-segment speedruns are all about. Think of it as an "extreme sports" version of gaming. No save, no continue, play through the entire thing from start to finish.

Fubb 18-05-2009 11:00 PM


Originally Posted by arete (Post 365185)
Girls like hard games too. :max:


Just kidding. Seriously though, i personally enjoyed this column :D

red_avatar 19-05-2009 05:01 AM


Originally Posted by Tulac (Post 365256)
I still dislike the emphasis on quicksaving in your article, I don't think quicksaving has much to do with that.

Besides it's silly talking about quicksaving when you can just *gasp* not use it.

Erm ... I didn't even directly talk about quicksaving. The *quicksaving* parts between paragraphs, which I added as a joke, are the only mention of quicksaving, in fact. The joke was that, even while writing the article, you still had a habbit to play it safe.

And, "not using it" is a valid comment - but again, the article was not about quicksaving. It was about how games are simply becoming easier to complete, quicksave or no quicksave. Quicksaving is just the icing on the cake. More and more games make it impossible for you to die. Bioshock anyone? Prince of Persia? Prey? etc. etc.

On the one hand, I admire games trying to find alternate ways to encourage the gamer NOT to quicksave every minute but people have the habbit and Prey's system, while it works, isn't going to stop you from quicksaving and quickloading anyway. (in case you never played Prey: upon death you appeared in a dream world where you had to travel through to get back to the game).

Personally, I admire a game where you can, using skill, complete a level without feeling you have to quickload. If games avoid trial & error circumstances where you can't predict instant death (trap doors, booby traps, etc.) you really don't need quicksaving.

Saccade 20-05-2009 01:05 AM

Two posts in one - comments and some (more) honesty.

red_avatar 20-05-2009 04:07 AM


Originally Posted by Saccade (Post 365587)
This was two posts that I've strung together. Its long (what's new) but there are several examples of the suggestions and ideas for application along with something that I hope will help a lot.

Hey Red - I don't want to sound like I'm pissing on your work for no reason. That's not what I'm meaning to do if you think it sounds that way...


As I said - I don't mean this with any disrespect, Red. I'm saying this because I know you'll take it for constructive criticism rather than as a "dig" at things. No point in saying things that aren't going to help the matter, eh?
I'm just trying to express what the community appears, to my perceptions, to be humming but isn't humming directly.
It kinda comes out in as many ways as there are different people here.

Community magazine for the community. Representative of the community and its ideas who represent the magazine.

Wow, longer post than the original article :p. You over-analyse things WAY too much though. The reason I write this stuff is simply because I need to - I'm already fearing there won't be a second issue because we're not getting enough content so I'm just filling in the gaps that are left over. I wish I didn't have to write so much - I'd much rather focus on the design and the structure instead of what's in it - but if I had done that with the first issue, it would have had a whopping 3 articles.

And I think you'll find many people agree with the original article - in fact, I've been told the article (and the previous one) is too 'safe' and doesn't say anything new. I think your own disagreement is colouring your judgement. Retro gamers have been complaining for years how games these days are too easy. No, not everyone will agree, but it's pretty obvious that today the focus is on experiencing the game, and not the challenge. That doesn't mean there aren't any hard games - we're talking about the average game here.

Also, you really REALLY underestimate young gamers :p. They pick up games a lot quicker than we do - you can't just blame games being easier on experience because it's not like we've been playing the same game for 20 years - games have changed and each game is different. Also, if what you said were true, the older games would be easier now as well, which is not so. Well, our favorite games are easier in a way, because we've been playing them for 20 years so we already know them pretty well which always helps - but if I am to pick up a 20 year old game I barely played before, I'm pretty sure I'm going to get my ass kicked from left to right until I find a valid strategy.

Anyway, and this is a big one, a column is NOT meant to say what everyone thinks. A column is a personal piece of mind - it can go either way. Readers can disagree, and it will spark a discussion, or they can agree. But where you got the idea that a column should really be what everyone thinks, I don't know. In fact, I'd consider that a weak article (and personally, both this one and the previous one could be a lot stronger in that respect - they're both pretty obvious articles).

And about attacking people's oppinions: if you read ALL the suggestions (some put more strongly than others), Abandoned Times would become a modern mag with movie, book, recent reviews and a ton of other things that simply won't fit. It's impossible to make everyone happy - everyone has his own vision of what the magazine should be like - I simply try to keep the vision that was set at the start of the magazine, before I even joined! A magazine for retro gamers that contains content that may be of interest to those gamers.

And heck, start writing if you don't want it to be Red's magazine (and neither do I!)! You only have yourself to blame if it is. I'm no Harry Potter who can make articles appear out of thin air by waving a wand.

Quintopotere 20-05-2009 09:51 AM


Originally Posted by red_avatar (Post 365599)
I'm no Harry Potter who can make articles appear out of thin air by waving a wand.

Oh... so, that's not your procedure...

Saccade 24-05-2009 06:58 AM


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