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Japo 22-03-2009 04:39 PM

We have games in which you wage war over whole continents, for no other reason than thirst for conquest. Some are based on actual historical events such as the Napoleonic wars etcetera. We have a game about commanding German armies during the Second World War, and it's OK. If you really think that whatever you think Israel does, is worse than those examples, actually most of the staff would prefer if you discussed it elsewhere, since it's flamebait, and here we care about the games. We already discussed this internally and decided by majority there was no good reason to censor this; end of story.


Originally Posted by WilliamC23 (Post 357163)
The only way to win is defeat all enemies, if there is an alternative, please tell me, I attempted peace, but the game did not end until I defeated the last bordering country.

Then keep playing forever and ever, just like the real world. Again you can say the same about every strategy game.

WilliamC23 22-03-2009 05:44 PM

You live in Scandinavia, it's about as far as home as possible, playing a game changes nothing, heck, nothing we do changes anything, you're too serious.

Yes Or Nay 22-03-2009 07:51 PM

I'm gonna take a look at this game from another point of view.

Where is the playability? I played this one some time ago and in all the replays following the first try, it was the same. Always attacked by either Egypt or Syria with far too few options to somehow change anything.

Where's the replayability?


help.. 22-03-2009 08:16 PM

Is there a way to save the game? It says in the start that its possible to load a game, but I can't see anyway to do the saving.

Mighty Midget 22-03-2009 08:33 PM


Originally Posted by TheChosen (Post 357245)


Originally Posted by Wikipedia, the good ol' source of fun and facts
Like other resource management games, this means that ultimately the goal of the game is trying to find an optimal balance and timing between expenses, income, actions and "production goals", although with a highly controversial twist.[citation needed]

I don't believe it's highly controversial until I can see that citation!

I have been playing with the idea of having made real tasteless games like that, and was naive enough to not think anyone had made it.
(EDIT: How many games out there are about killing your opponents? Not slapping them or having a serious chat with them, but about slitting their throats or putting bullets in their heads? How many games are there where you put flowers in soldiers' guns? Does it become worse if there's a flag or a real, non-fictional country involved? In Silent Hunter III, the German ships all had a white empty circle on their flags. For more authentic flags, you needed a mod. I don't think the mod was made by a nazi, but by someone who just wanted to add more realism. What WW2 sim shows the Swastika on the tail fin of the German planes? None. It's deemed offensive. Fair enough but why would anyone not comfortable seeing a Swastika on a German WW2 airplane PLAY a WW2 flight sim? I don't care much for the 3rd Reich, but I did get the flag mod for SH3, I did get a bunch of old German soldiers' songs for the ingame record player. I don't want to see a Swastika in my home, but I'll be damned if I let them digital ships sail without it. Does the game change it's political character? Not for me. It's just a sub sim. I'm not praising the US Forces one bit, but I also enjoyed playing SEAL Team. I'm not a murderer, but I liked to play Hitman. I'm not finding anything funny about the situation in the Middle East, but Conflict is NOT the real world.)

As for the Game of this Topic:
Not particularly fun, and with zero replayability but as always, this is in my opinion. If anyone find it fun to play, by all means, cool! I'll just return to Ultima or something.

WilliamC23 22-03-2009 08:53 PM

Yeah, the game isn't all that interesting, I feel constrained in my choices.

Guderheinz 22-03-2009 09:33 PM

Well, the game did get me hooked for a few hours, and I even managed to win (but got less points then in another, lost session), but, as mentioned above, it offers only a handful of options. The final outcome of every session is based mainly on the stats you start with and very little on your actions.

Also, there's a frustrating bug - when you're getting really strong and are about to win, the game just hangs. It happened to me once when I was about to invade Egypt (the last country standing) and I read on Wiki that it's a fairly common occurrence. At this point I said **** OFF to the game and switched back to System Shock 2.

And a side note - there is a remake of this game, made for Windows, with far more options. Quite interesting, actually. But there is a downside - it has a time limit: 15 turns.

Luchsen 23-03-2009 10:46 AM


Originally Posted by TheChosen (Post 357245)

It's freeware, so it goes to AR.

WolverineDK 23-03-2009 03:22 PM


Originally Posted by WilliamC23 (Post 357273)
You live in Scandinavia, it's about as far as home as possible, playing a game changes nothing, heck, nothing we do changes anything, you're too serious.

Correction Mr. Obama (which I doubt you are) well your name is William, so no worries there. But I live in Denmark (Kjobenhavn = Copenhagen to the English speaking crowd and København in Danish which means the merchants harbour). And they sadly have a part in this matter, on one hand they are allies with USA, and on the other we have had our fair share of situations , such as the 12 drawings, and well Anders Fogh Rasmussen is a prime candidate for being the next big chease in NATO so well. Let us just say, it is NOT as far home as it could be. But as I said, the game can become a political firebomb. Just like I once mentioned before it became reality in my eyes. That Resident Evil 5 had racial tones in it. And about a week after hell was loose in the Resident Evil 5 camp. Because it became controversial. Stranger things has happened, these are just two off my head.

WilliamC23 23-03-2009 05:14 PM

You have a point, the world is connected with each other, except for SubSaharan Africa, which is still relatively isolated. Also, is Rasmussen a common Danish last name? I remember in that one election, it was Rasmussen vs. Rasmussen, I'm not sure if any other country has had a similar occurrence.

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