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Nedo 29-12-2004 10:33 AM

Wonderful soundtrack in the background sorta LotR feeling on it iirc. I actually have the old cd somewhere so if someone should want sound files I could prolly fix it.

Guest 31-01-2005 05:36 AM

Great game only one music!! :cry: does anyone have any suggestions as to how I can remedy this?... :help:

jareth_chong 11-02-2005 08:43 AM


Originally posted by Obsidian@Dec 27 2004, 01:51 PM
Fantasy General had one the BEST soundtracks I had ever heard!
My old friend had the original game CD. The CD contained only one music track, and it repeated over and over again throughout the game.

Novaflare 14-02-2005 03:13 PM

Spoiler alert!:

Having said that, the attack system is RANDOM! Read as-If you reload and attack again, you get a better/worse result. Same for rewards(for liberating the towns/crypts/cathedrals)
I've read other online guides, and disagree with some strats. I like having archers. They add a defensive bonus when your units are attacked, often routing an assault. Downside-they must be surrounding the unit attacked. Which shouldn't be a prob. if you put archers first, then the heavies, then cavalry. Move archers frontline, backup with heavies, send in calvary in front of archers. One annoyance is when troops get pushed around and multiple attacked. The AI isn't bad. Road use is critical, leading to towns and stuff of interest. Blitzkreig! Most city monsters won't attack you one hex away, while the wandering ones definately will. The AI focuses it's magic attack on your "Best" unit.
Reloading can be a chore, but wounded vs death means you can take a round and heal. Reloading a captain is great, because the unit resists attack better, and takes only wounds. Slingers are fast scouts/cannon fodder/go keep that thing busy over there. Take out fast units with heavies or calvary. Hexes become blocked with any ground unit, but an attack with a beefy unit pushes them out of the way, exposing vulnerable pieces. Bombadiers do indeed rock, but they become target practice for their wizard :(
Overall, I give the game an awesome rating. The war grunts fx need some work tho, hehe :bleh: Extra bag of popcorn for the uploader!

zombie 02-03-2005 03:59 PM

really good game. i like the style. its a 5! for sure! :ok: :ok:

Spoonman 02-03-2005 04:27 PM

I've been playing this game for two nights long now, I like it very much. Works very well with the LOTR soundtacks playing in winamp :)

Swifferoth 27-04-2005 03:08 AM

the new-er version i guess acully had 10 soundtracks but my disk is so scratched... but nontheless i agree with the music. the game i think is one of the best (old) games i've ever played.

my preferred strat in arena is Archers all the way. the AI rarely attacks because 5 archers countering at a time is vicious.

campaign i believe lord marcus is the best hero because, all units he recruits start a star above everyone else. i'm currnetly trying infantry(both) and Calvary(calvary). and i'm on the second island. this is what they say to me :kosta: :Titan: :kosta:

The_Harlz 11-05-2005 11:40 AM


Originally posted by Danny252@Dec 4 2004, 08:48 PM
how'd you get bombards to fire?
Bombardiers can typically only fire when they are flying over an enemy unit. Not to be confused with Siege Weapons which can fire from a distance (most around 2-3 hexs away).

I've got the original cd here :) funnily enough I never played it much until recently. What a shame as it really is another gold oldie.

The sound on the original version is made up of 16 music tracks on the game cd which can be played on an ordinary music cd-player. Very orchestral/choir type of music. Very fitting indeed.

Now where was I? That's right, trying to finish the 4th (last?) island of the campaign... *he lines his Pistoliers up to open fire on the defending Lionmen* aaaarrrrgghhhhh!

Vudu 14-05-2005 08:52 AM

It's a pitty the game doesn't have the music. That music was fuc$%ng awesome, and I used to listen the music for hours, but I lost my original CD:(:(.
If someone has the music please contact me on my e-mail address: . Or if you want to share it through bittorrent I am willing to help.
This game just isn't the same without it's music...

endery2k 29-05-2005 06:03 AM

Just general query about Publisher...

SSI created some of my ALL-TIME FAVORITE strategy/war games

they sucked me in early with the D&D stuff but all the *.General titles were similar and awesome hours of play!!!!

I have some original CDs, but to my question...

Are they still around??? or did they get sucked up by EA (the software devourer) or sumpin?

Last coupla times I casually searched for 'em can't find any solid info??!! :wall:

Appreciate any info:: "I love ya man." :D

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