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twillight 13-10-2012 12:02 AM


Originally Posted by Panthro (Post 446620)

What makes you say it will be full of bugs?

To be honest I'm the first one hoping against probability, but according to the referred and developed games, and especially the supposed genre (free roaming) it just cries for bugs.

To be honest I never seen a "free roaming" game without obvious bugs, especially if it is "no plot" game, like Oblivion or Morrowind.

Let me tell you why this is: these games ARE hugh. They also try not to limit the visitable areas in any way, so even lvl1 characters can at least run through all areas skipping the fights, but collecting quests, rewards and even items.
The result of compexity, hugh size, plus the fact you REALLY can go the way you want by design (this is where eg. Fallout 1-2, or Baldur's Gate escaped this fate) means tons of combinations.
Now each and any combination means a possible bug.

As a Real-Free Roaming game has no order of events in it, and the quests are basic-simple (many times they are even assembled randomly), this means the number of possible bugs just skyrocket, simply caused by the fact that the developers can't find order in their creation, so simply skip many things, resulting a buggy program.

Smiling Spectre 13-10-2012 01:05 PM

twillight, most free-roaming games have "fail-safe" mechanisms installed. No ancient dragons for you until you know spell "arcane unlock" to access their lair, and that given on L25. No flying cities with alien powerful weapons, if you not proficient enough to pilot ancestral spaceship. Etc., etc. "Metroidvania" games, actually, totally build on that principles, and they are thriving! :) So it could be done right - you simply need to thought out needed possible outcomes and bar all others. :) (And yes, I know that Bethesda consistently failing with that. :)

And speaking about their page on Kickstarter, they revamped it greatly! Wow! Now it takes right forms - no empty words, no SILLY SPELLING, and now here are pictures and interviews! (It's a pity that it seems too late :(

Capo 13-10-2012 02:55 PM

I have no idea what twilight is talking about :\

Anyway is very a bad choice to start the kickstarter while Project Eternity is still running :lame:

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