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eric10051981 10-06-2004 10:31 AM

well, actually i finished all of them series (black gate - forge o virtue [bg-fv] and serpent isle - silver seed [si-ss]) before.. but it's like about 2-3 years ago.. :) that's why i wanted to play 'em again so bad.. IMO, they are just the same, only differs in inventory screen and couple of shortcut added (ie: F for food sharing in si-ss) and you can choose not only 1 picture for each gender but 3 for each.. not to mention smaller group.. hey.. am i writing review here?? :wink:

FreeFreddy 11-06-2004 07:00 AM

Ok, as I now will upload them, let's say I did it now.
One important thing though: The two games are actually connected to their addons and are one game, to make it more understandable, here is like the games exist on my CD:
1. Ultima VII - The Black Gate and Forge of Virtue - ONE game (not the game and separated addon, no way to install just Black Gate without addon).
2. Ultima VII - Serpent Isle and The Silver Seed - ONE game too (same here).
So like you see that means that the already existing game on this site have to be replaced with my version that is connected together with the addon and is actually one game in order to play with addon (sorry to negate you good work, Mika... :( )

But the good news for that are that you just need to download two games instead of four to play the two series together with the addons.

eric10051981 11-06-2004 07:18 AM

FYI, the black gate that i got from abandonia here already got forge of virtue in it. so i think it's not necessary to upload black gate - forge of virtue anymore.. well, maybe if you want to make sure it's the better or newer version..

and i can't think of any reason why people want to play the plain black gate or serpent isle while the addons offers much much stuffs that's helpful and useful.. for challange maybe?

besides, think about people that play plain black gate and after finished black gate he started to play serpent isle.. what will he found? a talking 2-handed sword.. now where did that thing come from if he played plain black gate??

* said too much.. time to buzz off * :P

FreeFreddy 11-06-2004 09:24 AM

Oh, well, then the Black Gate on this site has addon already, didn't knew that... :D
I still uploaded it just in any case, to be sure.

minime724 13-09-2004 11:51 PM

ok i have that dosbox thing and i have no clue how to work it. i remember this game from back in the day i have been searching for it for the longest. if you could help me it would be greatly appreciated

Durak 14-09-2004 02:02 AM

Read this site.

mika 14-09-2004 03:51 AM

While dosbox is great, ultima 7 is much better being played through exult
All you need to do is download it, and follow it's instructions in the readme file. It tells you where to put the game files and then all you do is run exult and choose which game you want to play.


FreeFreddy 14-09-2004 02:01 PM

Actually, on my PC it runs better with DosBox. Exult is little different from the original game even if it's little better, but in DosBox I play the original game which is more important for me. ;)

mika 14-09-2004 04:16 PM

As far as I know you can switch of all the "extras" and play in the normal resolution if you so wish in exult. Although the main point is to play the game and not fool around with how to play it ;)

minime724 14-09-2004 10:45 PM

hey thnx guys it works fine.

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