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Jebus 23-08-2004 08:45 AM

yes, i own it. The only good thing about it was creating the character, then the fun stops.

(in other words, i hate it)

Decalies 23-08-2004 08:55 AM

Yes I own the 6 CD BG1. I really enjoyed it. But for me Planescape: Torment was much better. Quite linear - especially at a bit later stage, but man I loved that storyline! For me, PS-T is the best, than BG2, directly followed by BG1.
I didn't like Icewind Dale 2 too much. Too much just combat, and nothing else. IWD1 I never tried.

Jwh D'Ar 24-08-2004 07:17 AM

That is the best game ever!

I have:
BG2 + ToB
Planescape: Torment
IWD 1&2

Picard, I'm sorry you think that way about Torment. It's definitely the most original of these games and the total opposite of dull.
The only one where your attributes like INT or WIS really affect the game.

Decalies 24-08-2004 07:21 AM

What I said before, I also loved Planescape. But I think it helps if you have played AD&D (pen&paper) in the planescape setting.

FreeFreddy 24-08-2004 07:40 AM


The only one where your attributes like INT or WIS really affect the game.
But, unlike in Baldur's Gate II (perhaps 1 too), your alignment there doesn't affect anything when it changes to evil one - same dialogues, same options, so this one point is not that good.

The Niles 24-08-2004 08:43 AM

Torment for me was too slow. It took ages for your character to even cross the room. Then there was the endless conversations with everyone about nothing in perticulair. Occasionally something would end up in your journal and that would be important.

There is talk of Baldur's Gate 3 being in the works. Since the story has been finished in ToB I wonder what it will bring? Black Isle is not developing this one though.

FreeFreddy 24-08-2004 08:48 AM

Yes, it seems to worked upon, but if it comes out, I doubt it will be the same Baldur's Gate game - other story perhaps, not the same feeling...

Decalies 24-08-2004 09:13 AM


But, unlike in Baldur's Gate II (perhaps 1 too), your alignment there doesn't affect anything when it changes to evil one - same dialogues, same options, so this one point is not that good.
That's because your actions determine the alginment... so it's the otherway around. You do get alignment-specific options in the dialogues, like:
1 [promise] 'I'll kill you if you don't answer'
2 [lie] 'I'll kill you if you don't answer'
3 'Please answer' ;)
4 'If you don't answer, I'll be pissed'

Which ones are the evil ones...

FreeFreddy 24-08-2004 09:28 AM

But it only affects the dialogues (like in NWN too, btw.) and nothing more. In Baldur's Gate II there are more possibilities / restrictions with being evil. For example, being evil allows you to get the quest from one side of the demons for killing the other demon's side in the Watcher's Keep in the addon Throne of Bhaal. If you are good or neutral, there's no such possibility, they just attack you then.

Chef Boyardee 24-08-2004 09:32 AM

I have every Baldur's Gate game, although I much prefer Planescape - Torment over them. I love the dialog aspects of the game, and I really don't like the combat system too much. Torment was such a deep game, I REALLY loved it, it's one of the best games I've ever played. Baldur's Gate was okay, but it really just wasn't my type of game. I don't know what it was, it was decent, it just wasn't great like Torment was. There was too much emphasis on combat, I think.

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