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Jay 02-05-2005 10:01 PM

Yea... Warrax is my favourite too.

I think wraiths are better than shadow demons. They can drain very good... so you kill weakest units first, and get very much life. Then, you can kill even great drake with them. Shadow demons can only dream about this. :)
So.. you can go with wraith even to most of nodes. You also get any neutral city very easily... and you will raise army of undead, which can be defense for that city... for no cost! That's why i prefer wraiths.

Borodin 02-05-2005 10:21 PM


Originally posted by Christian IV@May 1 2005, 02:44 PM
O.o :OK:
This game take a lot of learning, but the complexity seems worth
it, hard to remember everything.....but it sounds like it gets
easier with practice from readling the posts here. I hope so.
:hello: :hello:

It does. Plus, the AI is pretty poor, which means it's very easy to take advantage of cheese: things that the AI doesn't understand, and you do.

With MOM2 underway, I can only hope nothing of the flavor and complexity of the original is sacrificed, as the AI improves.

Christian IV 02-05-2005 10:52 PM

Is there really going to be a new MOM2?? I saw hints of that over
the past time, but was not sure it was really,
that would be quite something. Now i have to learn a whole new
system, while still mastering this one. ah well. it is worth it, for
such a chellenging game.

Pot$ 09-05-2005 12:46 AM

Ok i need to get this off my chest, everyone writes how they can get the game running and with sound but for some reason i get the game running with sound in dosbox but it runs slow as hell im running a p4 with 2.88 gig cpu and well its a gaming computer so its all tricked out. now can someone give me a clue on how to get sound running with out performance drop. i tried the lame brain idea on installing to get sopund working and it did. so i run it in vdms and it ran for like 3 seconds and then told me it needed 583 k memory and to shut down all tsr. what ever that is. so instead i ran it in dosbox but it runs like crap so my option is to run with no sound with performance or to run it with sound and crappy performance please help me oh smart mom lords.

another_guest 09-05-2005 09:05 AM

First of all, have you tried increasing the number of cycles in Dosbox to the point where increasing it any further will slow the game down again?

Gamefreak 09-05-2005 06:08 PM

With P4 2.8 Ghz the cpu cycles should be able to increase to around 16.000-18.000 without slowing the emulation down yet. ;)

Ether 18-05-2005 09:45 PM

This is one of my all-time favorite strategy games. I loved it, and I can't believe a sequel has not yet appeared. It is a classic that has many elements that were unique to it and made it stand apart from the other turn-based Civilization-clones.

I loved summoning monsters to walk around and kick behind. And loading up a hero with all of the best items so he rocked. Very cool concept.


HaaS 06-06-2005 01:51 PM

MoM is the _best_ game ever. I am playing it for nearly a decade. It RoX:)

Try Halflings with full Nature book once... the result is amazing. Halflings have more food, less unrest, and have Slingers... with full Nature you can transorm any lands with your spells in Nature... all your cities grow very fast.

(On the other hand, the first two Sorcery books are essential to be quick enough in the beginning. They give you the Phantom Warriors which is a _very_ useful spell.)


Gamefreak 06-06-2005 09:41 PM

But there should have been anothe patch for the game. Even the final version still has quite some bugs...

KOll8 16-06-2005 05:48 PM

I remember this game... Old favourite... super cool game!

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