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Sapper8 28-11-2005 02:03 PM

Doom I Episode I level I's music is allmost like Metallica's Master of puppets beginning solo.

Anyways Why isn't doom declared freeware already... It's more than 11 years old by now... either they are stupid enough to ope, that sum1 actually buys it or they are trying to keep the reputation of the game.

Someone asked about "Ultimate doom" It's the full version of Doom I

Gamefreak 28-11-2005 10:21 PM

Well, why don't you ask ID Software why they didn't release Doom for free? They have all rights to do what they want with the game that they released, and eventhough it's old now, it doesn't mean that they have to declare it freeware.

punch999 28-11-2005 10:40 PM

Yes If you had a game that you worked your behind off on then maybe you wouldnt want to release it for free!

Reup 29-11-2005 07:28 AM


Originally posted by Sapper8@Nov 28 2005, 05:03 PM
Anyways Why isn't doom declared freeware already... It's more than 11 years old by now... either they are stupid enough to ope, that sum1 actually buys it or they are trying to keep the reputation of the game.
The source code for Doom 1 has been GPL'ed. Download and compile it yourself and there you have it: your very own Open Source Doom engine. You 'just' need to write some quality music and make some decent levels for it :D

Get that Doom 1 Source Code here!

Sapper8 29-11-2005 03:03 PM

Hmm... good point...

JimmyJ 29-11-2005 10:53 PM

Also, ive heard of this "free doom" project, but not sure how good it is

SupSuper 30-11-2005 02:16 PM

IMO best Doom engine is Doomsday, though you need to have the original Doom WADs. Still, old-skool Doom with modern technology R0X0RX YOUR B0X0RX! :D

Guest 08-01-2006 03:47 PM

Not sure if anyone still reads this forum, but I'm trying to find a transcript of the text that appears in the interludes of Doom II. I could feasibly play through the game and write it down, but I thought maybe somewhere I might find them online instead?

Thanks to anyone that can help.

punch999 08-01-2006 08:20 PM

Yes we still read this forum

Miz 10-01-2006 08:39 PM

Actually, Doom II easily exceeds Quake, Quake II, Duke3d, Shadow Warrior, and in my opinion, ALMOST every other modern FPS. Why? The community for it is amazing, and still strong today. Doomworld. People make maps, regularly and more often than most modern games, that include incredible features, such as planting bombs, blasting holes through walls, true swimming, 3D floors, areas that require jumping, jumppads, scripted storylines, and pretty much anything you'd expect to find in a modern FPS.
As for a source port to use, yes, JDoom looks the best, but I'd recommend Skulltag.
Skulltag is under constant development, the upcoming release will kick behind (tons of new maps and gametypes), and it primarily serves as multiplayer port, though it plays SP maps smoothly enough. It adds weapons such as a grenade launcher and a railgun. It comes with a server interface, similar to Gamespy but simpler. There are already hundreds of maps made for it, and game modes include CTF, one flag CTF, Instagib, Last Man Standing, Team Last Man Standing, DM, Team DM, Terminator, Coop, and quite a few more. Honestly, it's much more fun and addicting to play online than you'd think, and I've had people admit that even though they don't play it, it is more fun online to play than pretty much all modern shooters, except Counter Strike Source.

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