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TheGiantMidgit 10-05-2006 04:26 AM

Well, they did guarantee a lower price than both XBox and Playstation... but we'll see how they define "lower".

Iron_Scarecrow 10-05-2006 04:56 AM

Yes. I'm worried that, although it might be cheaper than Xbox, it might not be cheaper by much. I can't help thinking that perhaps they didn't mention price yet is because it might be more than they expected and want people to be excited about how it plays or "feels" before they know price.

Reup 10-05-2006 11:56 AM

Ow man, I just say Nintendo's E3 presentation... Wii looks really, really awesome... The things you can do with the remote and nunchuck-controllers are really great. The presentation was also way better then the Sony one, not to mention the games looked way better and more diverse!

ShadowXIX 10-05-2006 06:56 PM


Originally posted by Reup@May 10 2006, 11:56 AM
Ow man, I just say Nintendo's E3 presentation...
I just saw that the other night along with some hands on usage of the Wii by the G4 cast. The gameplay looked very innovative but I have to say Im not too impressed with any of the graphics of the Wii games. Metroid prime 3 looks alot like Metroid prime 2 and honestly the game Im still looking forward too the most the new Zelda is going to be released on both the gamecube and Wii at the same time :blink:

I didnt expect the Wii to really compete graphics wise with the PS3 of 360 but that was alittle of a let down. Im still going to get a wii for classic gamming but might wait awhile until it has a price drop now. Im already going to have to drop $600 for PS3 :tai: ouch but seeing that its online service is 100% free that will make up for any price difference with the high end 360 before you know it.

Blood-Pigggy 10-05-2006 10:05 PM

Red Steel was about the only game that gave me a good idea of the system's graphics, and they looked fine to me, it nearly touches on 360 quality.

TheGiantMidgit 10-05-2006 11:11 PM

Random points of interest SMG Gameplay

Day of Crisis is being made by none other than Monolith

....oh, and we at PA got into the press kits and had a look at some new stuff. Starfox DS is looking nice, there's going to be a new Trauma Center on the Wii , and a totally new mario game on the cube .

Also, BAM:

Oh, and a new RE has been announced for the Wii. Let's hope it's as good as RE4 was.

...and yes, there is a Wii Duck Hunt. yep, as I suspected

Blood-Pigggy 11-05-2006 12:05 AM

There's about 64 Wii games that have been confirmed so far, with names and all.
The others are only announced.

But they all seem really cool, and suprisingly, very few "younger" titles.

@Sony: I love you, you made the PS2, with The Suffering, Shadow of the Collosus, and God of War, BUT MAKE UP YOUR OWN IDEAS.

TheGiantMidgit 11-05-2006 12:08 AM

In regards to Sony, don't forget ICO! ICO and Colossus are two that I own, and I don't have a PS2. Some of their software is -fantastic-, I just hate their attitudes. Alot.

Calling the Nintendo controller a gimmick, and then stealing it half-assedly and calling it a "sony innovation" is what I'm talking about when I refer to their attitude. They do this stuff all the time.

Blood-Pigggy 11-05-2006 12:14 AM

I don't really blame them, they HAVE to do it.

Besides, their fans believe them, if they say it's an innovation, their fans will believe it, and they'll buy the system. So will most of the people that aren't that well educated about the systems, they'll think it the other way around, that the 360 and Wii copied it instead, mostly moms and dads and casual gamers who never bothered looking at the systems the months before they were released, or never kept track of their release.

But calling Nintendo's work a "gimmick" when the supposed "gimmick" DS spawned such great games as Trauma Center and Kirby Canvas Curse, not to mention the ease of FPS and Strategy game control, is stupid, how can you say someone else's work is a gimmick when you just threw together all these random things borrowed from others in a controller and call it your own.
I agree with you that they're grade A morons for saying that, but they do need to pass it off as an innovation, who would buy a system that is "inspired with technology from the 360 and Wii"?

TheGiantMidgit 11-05-2006 12:20 AM

Yes, but if they hadn't called it an innovation and just demonstrated, it would have been better. By calling it a "Sony Innovation" at E3 of all places, where the most hardcore of the hardcore are, they basically admitted to copying it, as everyone there knew all the basics about the consoles. the conference for the interested

More new news: Solid Snake is in Smash Brothers Brawl. I am totally serious.

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