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arete 11-09-2008 07:05 AM


Originally Posted by BeefontheBone (Post 336232)
Why, Mr Soak of course.

Well, as long as he brings yoghurt for everyone :amused:

GTX2GvO 11-09-2008 08:56 AM

*in a badly damaged part of the base*

MixMac: You! place that there! You Weld! there!!
MixMac: Arrgg!! What are you doing!! Fix that!! over there!!
Droid: #bleep.. Grrzzzz.. Beep..#

GTX2GvO: And how are th......
MixMac: Just fine just fine.. You made quite a mess here..
GTX2GvO: Yeah, well It started in th....
MixMac: Just why did it have to be such a mess?
GTX2GvO: Well, Maybe becaus.....
MixMac: Common! You place that thing over there!!
GTX2GvO: *Sigh*


Major: How many complete sentences where you able to say to him?
GTX2GvO: Not a single one.. He always interrupts me..
The Chosen: Is he always like that..
Major & GTX2GvO: Yes, Always..

*Later Again in the equipment bay*

MixMac: When I arrived here I heard you "sing" something that resembled a drinking song..
Ship: #Yeah, but after several complaints to the major, he disconnected the base com system..:( #
Ship: #So after that the fun was over..#

MixMac: Hmmm... Can you play HyperCD's?
Ship: #Yes.. Why?#
MixMac: Got something for ya.. Ad I think GTX would like it too.
Ship: #Well I'm flashing some lights around the CD port.#
MixMac: Ahh.. That one :amused:

Ship: #Ohh my.. The All eternity Rock Collection!!#
Ship: #Wow.. I count over 5 billion numbers!!#
MixMac: Ehh.. I don't see any decent speakers.. How are ya gonna rock the house?

Ship: #See my exhaust ports? :) #
MixMac: Yes??
Ship: #No need for base com systems with that.. :) #
MixMac: I see.....

*@ this point GTX2GvO comes walking in*

GTX2GvO: I see your droids did a heck of a job..
MixMac: Oh.. You're here.. They finished?
GTX2GvO: Ye.......
MixMac: Great!.. Then I can go..
GTX2GvO: ...... *Sigh*

*MixMac takes a device out of his pocket and starts pressing on it*
*Right after that exactly 100 droids come to the equipment bay*

MixMac: Well job you guys.. Let's get out of here..
MixMac: Oh.. GTX.. Don't you dare to save my life again t get me in debt with you again..
GTX2GvO: Whatever.. See ya..

*MixMac Leaves the base with his 100 droids*

Major: Wow.. Those things fixed like EVERYTHING..
GTX2GvO: Yeah.. He's good @ that..
Ship: #Yo, Guy's. Listen to what he gave me!! :nuts: #

*And with that the entire base is filled with rock "music" *

Tomekk 11-09-2008 09:25 AM

*Meanwhile, at the entrance of the base*

Droid: Welcome to X-Com! To get access to the base, please identify yourself at the computer.

Droid:If you wish to enter the base as a guest please proceed to door 2.

Droid:If you wish to join X-....

Big guy:Cut it out already, I already applied...

Droid:Ohh, sorry for taking you time sir, but...

Big Guy:*yawns*

Droid:If you have already applied then please proceed through door 3.

*The new recruit enters door 3, into a large empty area*

Droid 2:Scanning...

Droid 2:Identified, Name : C. Tomekk,Gender: Male, Age: 27 ; New recruit, applied 2 weeks ago. Scanning cargo.

Droid 2:Weapons detected please identify.

Tomekk:What can't i have some weapons with me? After all we're being invaded by outer-dimensional assholes.

Droid 2:I'm picking multiple weapons, why do you carry this much?

Tomekk:Uhm...just. Do you want me to test them on you?

Droid 2:Eheh... You have passed. I'm contacting the major. Please head to Living quaters 4, just follow the yellow line on the floor.


*Walks really slow and relaxed*

Tomekk:Hmm, I'm guessing I missed the party.

Someone from the ship: The party your thinking of was a 2 day clean-up and base repairs.

Tomekk: I see.

*Someone steps out of the ship* *Hold his hand out*

GTX: Hi, i'm GTX. I don't know you, are you new?

Tomekk:Hey, I'm Tomekk. Just got here, glad to meet you.

*Tomekk hears some good old rock*

Tomekk:Wow, is this the ALL-ETERNITY-ROCK collection? :nuts:

GTX:Yep :amused:

Tomekk: Can you put some Iron Maiden? :)

Ship:#Searching for band/song/album: Iron Maiden. 376 results#

Tomekk: Fear of the Dark?

*Ship starts playing Iron Maiden - Fear of the Dark*

Tomekk: Thanks.

Ship:#No problem, enjoy your stay :amused:!#

*Few minutes later, at the living quaters. Tomekk and the Major salute eachother.*

Tomekk: Major!

Major: Ahh, Tomekk. Glad to have you aboard. I see you have bought your arsenal with you.

Tomekk: Yes sir!

Major: You have room 27 at your disposal, no get some rest soldier!Glad to have you with us.

Tomekk: Sir, yes sir!

*Tomekk heads in to his room. Throws away all his stuff, locks the door, and immediatly jumps into bed*

Tomekk:Finally, I can get some sleep.... ZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZ...

Tervez 12-09-2008 11:28 AM

*Meanwhile, in a completely different place*

*Pointing at the small metal box attached to the door of his office*
Major: What the heck is this thing?

Janitor: Well, it says it's for complaints...

Major: Where did it come from?

Janitor: One of 'em hybrids put that there some time ago. Then he opened the lid and put a paper in there.

Major: What kind of paper?

Janitor: I dunno. Perhaps a complaint?

*Major opens the box and starts to read the paper*

I would like to file a formal complaint regarding numerous things about the X-Com base. I do not wish to waste your time with petty matters, so I will mention only the utmost critical things here.

First, given the current security measures of the base, I find it absolutely horrifying that we cannot have guns in our private quarters without a special permission, which, I might add, is quite hard to get. While this may indeed be against the stantard, the current spirit of the base suggests that the chance of hostilities happening between the personnel is minimal.

*By now, the handwriting starts to get a bit shaky*

Also, I would like to MeNtion that the sOUNDPROOfing of mY roOm is apparentlY SUBPAR. PLEASE FIX IMMEDIATLY. or make the MUSIC stOP. OR i will stop IT myself.


The Fifth Horseman 12-09-2008 12:30 PM
Location: Arms Two
The factory block is small - very small, in fact.

We run into a Popper right away. Fortunately, we shoot it down right away too!

Capo's motion scanner has detected movement in the other half of the building, we move in...

And find aliens.

Tervez immediately mind-controls one of the Anthropods, making it drop its weird weaponry, and Fortis does the same to another. Disarmed, both creatures shortly die of fatal lead poisoning, and the same fate meets their still-armed compatriot.

Ze score.

Big bonus - we've captured one of those shield devices the aliens have been recently using! Let's hope our techs can replicate it...

As you might remember, thr graphs have shown a high infiltration in the ranks of the Osiron gang. We'll check their facilities right now.

Location: Warehouse Four

The Chosen covers the walkways at the top area, Arete and Paco enter the basement and the rest of the guys watch the entrance to other half of the building.

Arete: "No creepy-crawlies here, boss."

TC, Arete and Paco storm the top room of the second warehouse block. Tervez and Fortis back them up, and find themselves facing two Anthropods.

Our "brainfuck division" outdoes themselves again. Both creatures panic in an instant and drop their weapons.

Kugerfang finds a Popper... or rather, the latter finds him. Contrary to common sense, the lucky kid survives just with minor bruises.

Having secured the upper levels, we descend into the basement, and right into a shootout with three Spitters and yet another Anthropod.

Here's the score:

At 5:20, a new wave of UFOs appear. Three of them, and we only manage to destroy one of the Scouts. Worse, one of the vessels has managed to deploy aliens in Temple of Sanity. We know the cultists won't cooperate, so we're going to stomp them.

The Fifth Horseman 12-09-2008 12:30 PM
Location: Temple of Sanity

Oh yeah, we looove burning up those places...

The battle is fast, furious and several squad members come a hair's breadth to losing their lives (Bob is fast to evacuate, fortunately)... but in the end we're victorious.

At 8:55, the research on alien control systems finally bears fruit. Once we figure out their power source, we'll be able to pay them a visit at home - and bring a lot of explosive gifts.

At 19:55, the research on Multiworm Egg is complete.

Our score for today:

55 minutes after midnight, the analysis of the live Multiworm we hauled in a while back is complete.

One hour later, we get the specs for Advanced Quantum Physics labolatory. We'll need at least one of these, and soon!

AlumiuN 13-09-2008 11:01 AM

Why can't I see any pics? :cry:

The Fifth Horseman 13-09-2008 11:53 AM

Because I didn't have time to add them. They're here, ATM:

AlumiuN 14-09-2008 02:03 AM

That might explain it. :doh:

The Fifth Horseman 14-09-2008 08:56 PM

I've got tomorrow's update ready. It's one of those big ones - half a dozen tactical missions plus two UFO assaults, about a week of game-time total.

The current time is 04:44 AM (GMT)

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