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Thread: How do you mount CD's in DosBox? Reply to Thread
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01-06-2008 11:53 AM
_r.u.s.s. you have lost? what have you lost? o_O it's not bad if somebody tries front end. you can go on and recommend front ends, nobody's gonna fight against that. but i think it takes as much effort as understanding and setting up a front end. i just recommend dosbox, which is the emulator itself and in my opinion not really difficult to understand for anybody who understands a front end
01-06-2008 11:48 AM
Originally Posted by _r.u.s.s. View Post
well mister frontent enthusiast. i dunno dude, there's a simple "intro" which explains pretty much everything and every retardal with iq over 90 should get it, the simple commands are also included in readme. it's not like you had to download drivers separately for each soud card, mouse etc, it's all already included in dosbox. it's just about navigation and enviroment that is different in front ends. it is really worth "learning" simpliest dos commands. i don't see how are they much difficultier than front end clickings

by the way yes, the game threads should be about games and questions belong to troubleshooting
Oh I see - you can be a DOSBox fanatic and that's okay. I am one of just a couple voices for front ends and I am a front end enthusiast. It's got nothing to do with that. It's about the fact we DO have game threads full of DOSBox questions - go and have a look!

All I say is give front ends an equal look in, like they do on the DOSBox website!

It's obvious from the messages in the Game Threads, some people just look at those DOSBox commands and they glaze over! That's why they go back tot the game thread and ask question after question there instead!

Don't worry R.U.S.S. I know I have lost. front ends are never going to be given a fair hearing on this site. Hardcore gamer don't get it. Not everyone is like you or me R.U.S.S. not everyone can learn DOS Commands and the intricateness of the DOSBOx command system. We would have 1,000's of extra DOS gamers if people knew about front ends and how they can help certain gamers.

But as I say, they'll never find out because people like you are not so much pro DOSBox, but anti front end. And for the life of me, I don't know why!
01-06-2008 11:41 AM
_r.u.s.s. well mister frontent enthusiast. i dunno dude, there's a simple "intro" which explains pretty much everything and every retardal with iq over 90 should get it, the simple commands are also included in readme. it's not like you had to download drivers separately for each soud card, mouse etc, it's all already included in dosbox. it's just about navigation and enviroment that is different in front ends. it is really worth "learning" simpliest dos commands. i don't see how are they much difficultier than front end clickings

by the way yes, the game threads should be about games and questions belong to troubleshooting
01-06-2008 11:30 AM
Originally Posted by _r.u.s.s. View Post
but when people learn dosbox, they learn how it really works! and then there wouldn't be unsolved simple problems with stuff it they understand the way it works, in case something tiny is wrong
That is so elitist it confirms everything I said! You ant to play one or two DOS games and you start trying to understand DOSBox and it's horrendous because you have never dealt with DOS type commands! This frustrates you so you give up, or you immediately come her and ask how to mount a CEDRom, then the sound doesn't work, so you come back, then the graphics, so you come back, and on and on.

All I know is if that person had started with a front end he wouldn't have been so frustrated and would have been able to work out a front end a lot quicker - hence less frustration and less likelihood of giving up! At the same time, our threads would have more comments about the game instead of every third question being about DOSBox! Have the messages in the Games threads are DOSBox help! You can have 10 messages dealing with someone and their DOSBox problems on a certain game, and no one will ever mention trying a front end, instead they are happy to go on and on helping with the DOSBox problem. Well I don't go to the threads to read DOSBox question after DOSBox question, and I find it frustrating how some Game Threads are just 80% DOSBox questions!

Based on the Game Threads, it strikes me lots of people DON'T go on to learn DOSBox, because of it's difficulty they just learn what they need. But this means they regularly have problems with 'non-standard' DOS games.

I don;t know why you and others are so against front ends. You yourself R.U.S.S. have just said that somehow a DOSBox question is a valid question whereas a front end question would not. Why do you and others have this bias toward DOSBox? Why cannot you recommend someone to try a front end if he/she is struggling? I just don;t get it. Even the main DOSBox site puts the front end on the same site - so the DOSBox programmers are quite happy for people to use front ends on their program - so why aren't you?!

I don't get it, and suppose I never will. As I say, I see it as a form of elitism.
01-06-2008 11:15 AM
_r.u.s.s. but when people learn dosbox, they learn how it really works! and then there wouldn't be unsolved simple problems with stuff it they understand the way it works, in case something tiny is wrong
01-06-2008 11:08 AM
Originally Posted by _r.u.s.s. View Post
cause then they wouldn't get what actually happens and come asking about every little error
The number of DOSBox questions in Game thread are absolutely enormous. Mostly because, in effect, you have to learn DOS type commands to utilize it fully. Some of these commands are less than intuitive. Front Ends in comparison make DOSBox use very easy and you can do quite sophisticated things without much difficulty. I have used front ends for years now, and have had little in the way of problems.

If people knew about front ends, by having them mentioned in the DOSBox help FAQ, for example, we wouldn't have DOSBox setup or tweaking questions literally every 5 posts in every game thread on this site! And may I say, if you do something wrong in DOSBox, or DOSBox gives you an error, isn't that the same person coming here asking how to fix it? For every front end question we would get, we get twenty or more DOSBox questions.

If you spent any time at all in the games threads you would see how DOSBox questions come up very frequently indeed. If we had 'promoted' front end more, I think we would, at the very least, have half the amount of time being taken replying to the same DOSBox questions over and over again, as gamers that have only ever used tabbing and mouse clicking in boxes for every other game/utility they use, rather than DOS commands in the form of mount d d: -t cdrom! (And that's one of the easier commands in DOSBox!) Does it not make more sense to click on the Drives tab, click on the CDRom tab, click on the down arrow and choose the 'X' drive, then a few clicks to do the hard drive, a couple clicks for sound, graphics and cycles and your done! I have 4 pre-set profiles that between them run every DOS Game I have and one that runs 90% of them. Once this profile is set up you can install a new game in a couple clicks, and thereafter just open the front end and double click on the game title to run it.

When I think of what you have to do in DOSbox to set up different soundcards and graphics modes and more sophisticated things for a game, I KNOW it will generate a 100 times more questions - because average gamers don't want to/know how to fiddle with DOSBox commands.

I believe that front ends aren't mentioned because hardcore PC gamers are elitist. They spit on front ends like they spit on casual games like the Sims. They LIKE that it's hard and therefore they keep their special status, and it makes their lives seem more full to be constantly showing others how to mount a hard drive or CDRom , etc in DOSBox. If everybody was told about front ends there would be many fewer questions and the advice givers wouldn't feel so important. They don't care that retro PC gaming could be 5 times bigger if more average gamers knew about front ends, and they don't care how many gamers, trying their first DOS game, are told to get DOSBox, get confused and frustrated with the command structure and give up on retro PC gaming altogether - all the time never having being told of front ends!!

I know I am beating my head against a brick wall, this is just another symptom of hardcore PC gaming: Keep it as hard as you can, that keeps lots of people else out, and that helps them feel 'special' about the skills you have that others don't or can't manage.... Bit like when a hardcore gamer says to a newbie 'why don't you just build your own PC?' I might like retro PC gaming, but I am not sure I like the attitudes of retro gamers on this site.
01-06-2008 12:42 AM
Originally Posted by humorguy View Post
Don't know why front ends are not mentioned more often to DOSBox newbies.
cause then they wouldn't get what actually happens and come asking about every little error
01-06-2008 12:38 AM
humorguy To avoid all the DOS commands, just get a front end that allows you to just choose the CDROM drive and then does the work for you. Same with setting the soundcard, memory, the whole ball of wax. Don't know why front ends are not mentioned more often to DOSBox newbies. Heck, I am not a DOSBox newbie any more, but using a front end like D.O.G. just makes the setting up so easy you are concentraing on the game a lot quicker, and after setting the game up in D.O.G. a double click of the mouse on the game title and your in DOSBox playing the game!
09-05-2008 03:08 PM
The Fifth Horseman Bobinator, you really should read the readme file that comes with DOSBox. It explains all commands you need.
09-05-2008 12:07 PM
_r.u.s.s. that is not a good solution since the cd rom will get emulated twice and the game can go really slow. dosbox knows imgmount command that's all the trick
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