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28-05-2013 10:05 PM
Clue Book

Does anyone have a digital copy of the clue book? Email me.. DarkBaneX@aol.com
13-05-2011 07:32 PM
twillight I think I'll replay this with a lowstat character (67 statpoint for start, but I'm working on to lower it).

I'm even better currently (in perfection) then the last time, but there are still unsolved mysteries, what I'll list in this post:
- In Green Knight's Domain I've found a Round Key. I see a keyhole on this level where it fits, but it doesn't seem to do anything. Any clue? (I use the patched version of the game.)
- I'll have to find a spare jade key and an isa rune for the Otherworlds.

status report: all knight realms are finished, Otherwolds basically finished, Sewers mostly finished.
14-01-2011 03:31 PM
twillight Ok, I solved the gold-key room's secret, but not the others.

For Citadel Ground Floor I was 2 iron key short.

For Citadel Floor 2 I've found the last Iron Token.

The Iron Token from Lava Level can be used for Lair of Shadow Weaver (but not necessary).

The Sun Key from End Two I still have no idea.

The Gold Key from Begginer Two (used and repleaced in Broken Seal One, then End Five) also has unknown use.

The Round Key from Green Domain might remain thou a bug.

In Citadel Ground Floor I've found a Cross Key, use is unknown.

There are 4 endings for the game if anyone is interrested.
13-01-2011 01:05 PM
twillight I'm in the Citadel, and have questions:

- in Floor 1 is a teleporter + switch combo, the like what is used for the Jester's armory, but the switch is immediatelly active. But I don't know what's its use.

- in Floor 2 is a Raido runesite. What the switch there does?

- in Floor 3 is a door with a gold key lock (eastern quadrant's southeastern part). Using the key seems to be not enough to open the door. How to open the door?

Also a guide would be cool to find all the required keys and tokens all around the bloody citadel, as I'm currently 2 iron key short for the 1st level (to open all prison-cells), and at least 1 iron token short for the second level.
Still discovering level 2-3 though.
12-01-2011 09:58 AM
twillight How can you open the doors in the center of the Lava level?

The doors are in the Gebo-area. There are 6 doors in one room and 3 object-holes in the sideroom. The doors do not open for Kano. I have no idea what to put into the object holes.
Please help!
09-01-2011 08:25 AM
twillight Ok, I stop it, and only post my problems.

The ones I collected until now:
- what the round key would do from Green Domain? The keyhole is in Green Domain, northwest, diagonal hallway. (This might be a bug what causes the nearby door open for Kano instead of the key.)
- how to open the Crimson Knight's quaters? The Jade Key would open the door, but it does not turn. Might be related to the pressure plate nearby, what is also inactive.
09-01-2011 04:54 AM
TotalAnarchy I dunno, twillight, next time I think you should make a separate text file, a guide etc. which you can share with others. Don't get me wrong - I'm not against the idea, but the forums are for discussion, not keeping a journal, and it seems to me you're really doing a monologue here.

My advice would be to compile a guide into a text file. If you think it's good enough we could even upload such a guide as an extras file.
08-01-2011 05:30 PM
twillight I did not finished the Otherworld levels (there are three of 'em), but I feel the need to create a new post. So:

For Otherworld One you'll need many items from the other levels, or I don't know from where.

I'd still need to deactivate a teleporter on the west to gain access to a room what has a bag of holding and an isa rune for the questions.

The Raido runesite only has Quasar (he gives info and treaches a spell if you'll know shapeshift).

The Thurisaz runesite has the "staff" (use alteration on the boy). Kano all doors open, and use the round key from the treasure rom at the end of the questions.

An important thing on Otherworld One is to use the main teleporters twice.

There is a teleporter maze in O1:
For this map, the first digit of a room is which row it is on, the second digit
signifies which column. You start in Room 11. Luckily, there are no alternating
teleporters this time.

There are 2 teleporters where "Outside" is written. You must disable them
by hitting a switch in Room 31.

_____ _____ _____ _____
|13 ||34 ||23 ||24 ||31 |
| 12|| 24|| 35|| 15|| Outside->
----- ----- ----- ----- --
_____ _____ _____ _____
|11 ||33 ||11 ||25 ||32 |
| 32|| 21|| 15|| 12|| 35|
----- ----- ----- ----- ---
_____ _____ _____ _____
|22 ||24 ||35 ||11 ||14 |
| 11|| 21|| 11|| 11|| 11|
----- ----- ----- ----- ---
In room 11, 13, and 34 are 1-1 broken bottles, but you can not get the one from room 34 without the boots of levitation, what even I find overdoing. In room 31 you have to click on a switch. Appart from these all the rooms are empty.

Most of the large sections in O1 requires casting Teleport to get out when you're finished.

To reach Otherworld 2 use the left exit in O1, to reach Otherworld 3 use the right exit.

You won't find apple core and Dr. Jojo's potion here, so bring it from other levels (aka. not from the Outworld levels), or create them from an apple of vigor / potion + diamond.

King Evermore can send you back to "your world". NEVER cast Gateway in Otherworld's levels or you'll be stuck for good!

There is a door for what you have to stand close both the door and its switch. Hit enter to activate the switch, while AT THE SAME TIME move towards the door. You'll be hit by the door, but it is possible to get through. (Might find same kind of puzzle later, so keep this technique in mind.)

required items: 1 jade key, 2 kano rune, 1 apple core (from other levels, or just eat an apple of vigor), 1 black pearl (from Otherworld Three), 1 sorcerer's book (from Otherworld Three), Dr. Jojo's sneak oil (from other levels, or cast liquifiy with potion + diamond), 1 isa rune (no idea from where and yet I could not do one from Fehu runes, I keep trying to find out what is behind the many questions' door), 1 sun key (from Otherworld Two), cast of teleport, Raido rune, Thurisaz rune, 1 Round Key

Otherworld Two:
I just figured out that you have to cast Teleportation (you find the scroll of it, so I'll no longer mention Gebo runes). This is the way to open the right door on the top of the main room FROM BEHIND. The door can not be opened from the main hall as far as I know.

Also I just figured out the left teleporter: you have to put the Palimphet into the object-hole to get past the door (and most probably you need too to activate all the plates by walking around on 'em). Oh, don't worry, the Palimphet won't be lost! The teleporter of this room will bring you to the maze where you can enter also from the Gebo rune-site (you still HAVE TO cast teleport, because that room can also be opened from inside only).

The right teleporter seems to be a red herring, but I can do what is recommended: To get the diamond there you'd need the Boots of Levitation, but I feel that overwork. When you first push the switch in the room a teleporter opens at the diamond's place. DO NOT step into that, you'd be stuck. You have to have an item where the teleporter opens, as it is needed to fall through the teleporter to weight down a pressure-plate. Then turn the switch again to open another teleport through what you can leave the room.

The left door on the north is the most tricky. Open it with Kano, and go in until you are halted by a row of teleporters. Face the fourth from the top, and throw in an object, then face the 3rd from the top and throw in another object. This eliminates the teleporters, and you can get back your items! Then you'll have to face another row of teleporters, for what I have no idea for the correct solution.
The solution seems obvious: go in until you stand on a pressureplate. Cast Magic Wall to keep the plate down, enter the teleporter forward, cast Kano to open the door, step on the pressure plate inside to open the door further away. Go into the newly opened door, push the switch, then when the thingy presses down the pressureplate push it again to stop the thingy. Then go back to pick up the Sun Key.
The problem is, that I can not come out after I open the room's door. Well, not without Boots of Levitation.
Now use this Sun Key for the left door in the main hallway, where you'll find a repleacement Sun Key and the second half of the Shapeshift Spell.
To open the door on the right of the main hallway, you have to use the jade key from the Crimson Domain.

required items: cast teleport, 1 Sun Key, 1 Jade Key (from Crimson Domain), Palimphet (you won't loose this one)

Otherworld Three:
This level is surely recommended before O1, as you get the information how to reach Quasar on this level from a Magic Mouth.

The Raido and Thurisaz runesites are simply bonuses here.

At the "Three Tests" you'll have to cast Zap Away twice on some stucked moveable items (the other two tests are pure fights). At the end you'll get the Black Pearl for O1.

There is a Gebo-site too. there you can choose an item from several. One of the rewards is a Boots of Levitation; that seems to be the most attractive. But there is a "Weapon skill" parchment, and I don't know if there is another copy anywhere in the game. The rest of the items are either useless or common.

To enter the door on the top-left of the main hall throw any object into the further teleporter (you'll be able to get back that item, so it doesn't matter what the item is).

The door on the right of the main hall will simply open for a Kano spell (seems certain keyholes are just red herrings, and certain doors what opens for Kano requires also stepping on some plates first, but I'm not sure).

required items for Otherworld 3: 2 cross key, 3 round key
07-01-2011 03:23 PM
twillight Crossroad Cavern:
independent NPC: Warmonger (mre on this in quest-section)
required items: 1 thurisaz rune, 1 gebo rune (runes suggested to use in this order), 1 jade key, 1 ruby, 1 emerald, 1 amethyst, 1 pearl
To survive this level you'll have to cast Fire Shield constantly (finally some reason for that spell).
The reason of this level seem purely to find and level up the Warmonger. It has several stages, I'll list the requirements of them in THIS post. The level 0 stage is just a rusty sword, but when you enter with it first time to battle it'll reach level 1 stage from what point it can talk, but it won't really turn into Warmonger until 3 fights, when it'll tell you a solution of a later puzzle - and I think this is the point when you should pull out Firefang's skull again to listen some new info. Then next phase comes with the first hand-movement of the Mending spell after you win 7 more battles. Then the next stage you reach after 11 more battles. 6 More stages to come, but I won't report when I reach those, yu can see the trend. (Anyone else got the reference to Eric, the Melnibone?)
07-01-2011 09:27 AM
twillight Ebon Domain:
NPCs: Vortigern (gives you map of the teleport maze - but for copyprotection-purposes the actual map is only in the manual. You'd not necesserally need this if you mark the rooms with items), Tara (teaches magic skill spell)
required items: map of the teleporter maze, 4 sun key, 1 iron token (press down the plate with a griffin's body to make this sure!)
This realm is actually very small, but your Palimphet won't work - not even after the death of the Ebon Knight.
In the teleport-maze are nothing of interrest. The only thing you have to know that the double-way teleporters are switched originally to transport you backwards.
Now the fight with the Ebon Knight is actually ridiculous. He usually hits only modest (I mean no onehit-kills like from the other knights), but is immun to offensive magic (I tried lightning and poison on him), has ridiculous amount of hp etc. The only real solution I could find is to use the Dagaz rune on him.
To enter the Ebon Knight's quater you have to unlock his door first. The key is in a chest on the other side of a row of teleporters. Now there are 6 items in the 5 chambers (under the arrow is a mage's skull). To bring them out you have to transport the items to the FIRST chamber. To achieve this push every swith in order FROM THE DOOR OF THE EBON KNIGHT. If you do from the other way around you won't be able to do the trick (and at points items seem to disappear - I don't know where they go, but they come back if you keep pushing the switches). You'll have to do this most probably several times (always start from the bottom again!), but eventuall you'll be able to transport everything out.
exits: Green Domain
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