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10-04-2019 06:34 PM
Mystvan I found some interesting links from Dune II quotes since (unfortunately) there is none of this on Wikia unlike Warcraft series...

Dune II: The Building of a Dynasty Quotes

Dune II: The Building of a Dynasty (Video Game 1992) - Quotes - IMDb

Dune II: Battle for Arrakis (game) - Retro Legends

I also found something interesting about the tactics and data of the Units and Structures of Dune II. I prefer not to post the direct download link of the file in respect to the site, giving the opportunity for more people to visit and know the site.

Dune II Insider's Guide - PDF Drive
04-11-2017 11:50 PM
Mystvan The score of each mission in Dune II is very similar to that of Warcraft I.

Some similarities would be:

• Number of your Units killed;

• Amount of your Buildings / Structures destroyed;

• Number of enemy Units killed;

• Number of enemy Buildings / Structures destroyed;

• Amount of Spice Melange harvested;

Some peculiarities would be:

• The existence of the extremely resilient Sandworm (up to 2) that hinders the harvest of the Spice Melange and consequently in its available treasure;

• The constant deterioration of the Buildings / Structures (is there no Butler / Manager or something similar?) In up to 50% of HP;

• There is a limit on the total number of Units in the mission. I do not remember if there was limit on the amount of Buildings / Structures as well;

• The enemy attacks from the edges of the map;

• I forgot to mention that the time it takes you to complete the mission also determines your ranking.

It took me a long time to complete each mission (4 to 5 hours) thanks to the damn Sandworms.

I drew Sandworms and enemy Units through the fastest Vehicle to my waiting Army. The Sandworm was delayed to be mortally wounded, but the enemy Units were quickly destroyed without any loss of units on my part.
15-06-2017 10:56 PM
Originally Posted by Mystvan View Post
Some curious observations about Westwoods’ *ahem* “adaptation” of the Dune saga:

• Contrary to popular belief, elite force Sardaukar does not live up to the name of the fearsome and fanatical imperial Force feared by all. Sardaukar can be easily crushed by Military Vehicles with the exception of Light Vehicles. We could include the tough Fremen as well;

• The Sardaukar cowardly retreat when any of the Houses (Harkonnen, Atreides, Ordos) invade the imperial Palace leaving their Emperor at the mercy of the enemies. Would this be the famous Sardaukar elite troop whose fanaticism and ferocity reminds the legendary warriors of the city of Sparta mainly against the elite the 10,000 Immortals (Medes and Persians) of the Persian Empire?

• I believe that only the House of Atreides could present a threat to the Sardaukar, whereas the Harkonnen... As the Sardaukar disguised themselves as Harkonnen, it was clear to the Fremen who Sardaukar was and who Harkonnen was... The quality difference was quite clear.

• Using a wonderful Dune II Units and Structures editor, you could edit the type of Structure, Hit Points, Unit type, Hit Points of your House and your Opponent(s). In addition, you can even edit Sandworm so that a single and the weakest Soldier shot (without armor) is enough to mortally wound the Sandworm;

• I noticed that the Resistance of the enemy Units were stronger. Even if I used a Devastator against the Siege Tank, my Devastator would suffer more damage. In addition to the Sandworm stay close to my Structures and Units to swallow them. These are disadvantages that you must overcome in order not to be destroyed;

• When I selected a Mission, I preferred that my Base be located in a corner, protecting at least two of the four sides;

• Already happened to some of my Unit exploring the edges to lighten the Map and some enemy Rocket Turret(?) or Rocket Tank beyond the edge hit it.
I remembered that even by editing the HP of Units and Structures by Savegame Editor, they are possible to be destroyed under certain conditions:

• If a Unit of Soldiers is crushed by a medium / large armored vehicle, the death of the Unit is inevitable;

• If a Unit of Soldiers is hit by Sandworm, the death is inevitable;

• If a Unit of Soldiers is swallowed by Sandworm, the death is inevitable;

• If a Unit of Soldiers inadvertently steps on a “sandbank” resulting in an explosion (of Spice Melange), the death is inevitable;

• If a civil / military Armored Unit is swallowed up by Sandworm, the destruction is inevitable;

• If a civilian / military Armored Unit inadvertently crosses a “sandbank” resulting in an explosion (of Spice Melange), destruction is inevitable;

If a Structure is hit by a Harkonnen or Corrino / Sardaukar Missile, the destruction is inevitable. One way to avoid this would be to edit the Palace to some Structure of similar size. Or make the Palace as your House.

Perhaps all these conditions were determined by programmers so that no matter how big the HP of the Unit / Structure, if the condition happens, the destruction is inevitable.
23-03-2016 09:10 AM
arete Have you looked in the manual? It's under the Extras section.
22-03-2016 03:24 PM
dune II The question

I have get Dune II. but i don´t no answer the question´s.
Can any people me help?
MfG Weev
11-04-2013 07:41 PM
Originally Posted by Unregistered2 View Post
What you are describing are "crates".
When a unit attacks it, a new random unit will emerge.
When a unit goes over it, the unit will explode.
To clarify, the only way to "activate" the Special blooms on the map (unlike normal Spice Blooms) is to run a unit over it, which case it will not be destroyed.

For those interested, more detail on the Special blooms can be found here and here.
07-04-2013 08:56 AM
Originally Posted by Nyerguds View Post
LOL, I remember that bug

Did you know that according to the manual, the Spice Bloom acted like the crates in the C&C games, and you could get units and money out of them?

It sure didn't work that way in the GAME... any unit that walked on a spice bloom got sucked under a couple hundred tons of sand :P
What you are describing are "crates".
And they DID exist in the game.
That is, it is possible to make your own scenario using them.
When a unit attacks it, a new random unit will emerge.
When a unit goes over it, the unit will explode.
In the original game scenario's they were not used though.

Spice blooms are what the name suggests: you attack it or walk on it and *booom* the pre-spice mass explodes and you get a new spice field. (though, as with the crates, if you walk over it instead of shooting it, the unit will be destroyed).

19-03-2013 10:03 AM
heisant I wouldn't be that pessimistic. With the steam community, GoG and Kickstarter things are getting better, and publishers should finally realize the lesser community has some serious saying in the game industry. Take a look at Brian Fargo, who ultimately resurrected one of the best RPG development studios Black Isle. It's called inXile now, but the folk is all local.
19-03-2013 09:02 AM
Eagle of Fire Don't count on that.

And even if it would be the case, there is more to game producing than a name. There is many people behind each game and when you get a great studios then it is the mix of so many great people working together which end up creating that great game which make the difference.

I'm sure any studios would purchase the right to slap "Westwood Studios" on any of their products if they thought it would boost sales by a factor of whatever.
19-03-2013 07:55 AM
heisant Now when EA lost their old CEO, maybe there is a chance we'll be seeing the return of westwood.
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