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Topic Review (Newest First)
30-09-2008 12:04 AM
Originally Posted by GodzillaX6 View Post
Just wanted to mention that NARC was ported to NES, granted the graphics are pretty terrible on NES as well as the controls, but it was ported there.
Hey it's still an awesome game regardless, it's co-op was just as fun. Pretty surprising to see limbs flying in a nintendo licensed game.
29-09-2008 05:59 AM
Comrade_Steel This game is depressingly bad, bad controls, bad graphics (even for 1990 they suck), and most importantly a horrendous story (I mean who though setting the game 5 years in the future was a brilliant idea :notrust they don't even explain why "King Pin" (if that's his real name) has kidnapped the presidents daughter especially when his cartel controls most of the major cites which makes it sound like he basically runs the country. Though their is one slightly redeeming feature to this game and that's the presidents daughter, cause she is hot and I mean hot . She's basically all I remember about this horrible game (and the reason I downloaded it) and I seem to remember their being a rumor that if you beat the game on hard you would get to see her naked (that's an excellent way to get 12 year old's to play your horrible game) but alas I never really beat the game cause it was to frustrating and truthfully I bet all you probably got was a crappy all text ending with maybe Aviator man giving you a thumbs up. Oh well at least Alien Trilogy and MDK have held up well.
14-04-2007 10:05 AM
live2enjoy Guys this game plays terrible! :angry: Perhaps i dont know all the buttons but you walk slow, extremely slow! While there are infinite enemies swarming on you from all sides. The character can move up and down to avoid enemy laser beams/ninja stars, but he moves so slow it makes it near impossible. :tai: On top of that the graphics are so griddy that you have trouble seeing if your character is even lined up with an incoming bullet or not. There isn't much strategy besides kill as many as you can... as fast as you can . The only problem with that is that your gun suddenly runs out of ammo and you spend the next minute walking painfully slow thru the city block while your health is steadily depleated. :wallbash: Its not all bad though, the game has a very comical comic-book style story and those sequences are so funny it make worth playing thru the horrible levels. :w00t:

If that doesn't convince you to download, perhaps this will...

<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(GodzillaX6 @ May 13 2006, 08:00 AM) [snapback]230430[/snapback]</div>
Just wanted to mention that NARC was ported to NES, granted the graphics are pretty terrible on NES as well as the controls, but it was ported there.[/b]
Yes! Narc on NES was one of the system's best games. It was flawed.. being much too hard, but if you had a gameshark then it was huge fun.
21-09-2006 05:15 AM
trAJik I believe I mays till have floppies somewhere that have this game on it. I played it in monochrome VGA and yes the sound was revolutionary in 1991. As stated , before this it was just different bleep tones, this was digitised explosions. I remember the higher frequency bits being very noticeable. I still had a lot of fun playing this game then. That was 15yrs ago! We have come a long way since!
13-05-2006 04:00 PM
GodzillaX6 Just wanted to mention that NARC was ported to NES, granted the graphics are pretty terrible on NES as well as the controls, but it was ported there.
29-12-2005 07:41 PM
cispt2 This is one game i CAN NOT get to work! I'm run a Mac OS X system, and am trying to run it in both DosBOX and Virtual PC6, with no luck.

Any ideas/tips?? I actually used to really enjoy playing this game. While the reviewer doesn't enjoy the game, not only did I like the exciting sound effects (for the time), I enjoyed the cinematic plot that unfolded between levels... and in usual Access style, the guy gets the cute girl he saves.
03-07-2005 08:16 AM
mika At the time, normal sound coming from the pc speakers were just beeps and such. These guys managed to get digitised speach and sound to come out of it and I think that was a huge feat on their side. Nothing special these days, but a fantastic job then.
15-06-2005 01:27 AM
rabadi Well, the *sound* did improve my gameplay back then in 1991 or 1992. Not sure I will feel the same way now if I am to play it again, but back then it was awesome for me. Maybe I was just amazed at that time, since I had almost no prior gaming experience, so it was sort of a first time gaming thrill for me.
14-06-2005 08:59 AM
Reup I think they indeed did something like that. They managed to tweak the PC speaker. I didn't notice this as my PC-speaker gets played through my regular speakers, but if anyone has a first hand experience with this! There was something about this om Mobygames...
But the 'real sound' doesn't improve the gameplay or lack of soundtrack, imho.
14-06-2005 08:02 AM
mika Exactly. Access software was well known for realsound which was digitised sound over the computer speaker. For it's time, this game had amazing sounds!
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