View Full Version : Dos Command Prompt

06-12-2005, 10:09 AM
I'm trying to set up DOSBox but when it says to go to the command prompt it should say C:\> coz you change it in notepad at the reconfigure stage, but mine wont change from Z:\> no matter how many times I try to reconfigure it. Can someone please help me???????!!!!!!!!! Cheers!

06-12-2005, 02:11 PM
the Z: drive is what you see if you havent mounted a drive yet.

type mount C C:\ to mount your C: drive.

You can mount your C drive in DOSBox as anywhere on your physical drive(s).
e.g. I use: mount C C:\DOSBox

If you dont want to have to type it everytime you start, enter it into your config file.

Hope it helps, Sean, although you could have found out yourself if you'd taken a look at the help file/FAQ/forum/typed 'intro'

06-12-2005, 02:23 PM
Where do I have to right 'mount C C:\DOSBox'?

06-12-2005, 03:34 PM
On the command prompt. Or put it on the bottom of the "dosbox.conf" file to be mounted automatically.
Afterwards, type "c:" to switch from Z:\> to C:\>