View Full Version : Zelda32

07-09-2005, 09:09 PM
Hello there, I am developing a Zelda3 - a link to the past clone called 'Zelda32'; soon I will post again here to tell you the details.

There is someone interested in copying the original maps out from the ROM for my game? There is a program, Z32Workshop, which can help in this job if someone helps me...

07-09-2005, 09:49 PM
I can see what I can do 'bout it, yeah. Got a link to the tool?

07-09-2005, 10:28 PM
I like the original Link's Awakening for Game Boy engine better. Who cares about the SNES's engine. The Link's awakening run faster and smoother :ok:

07-09-2005, 10:56 PM
what is this gona be proggramed in?

23-03-2014, 03:10 PM
Ahem. Sorry for the "late" reply, it only took me 9 years :)

I just found out that I had started this educational project in 2001! It was C++ with some assembly for tile drawing. The assembly idea got in when the original draft was being written, for VESA.

I left it at the proof-of-concept stage, but the player could walk fine around in the original Link's house :)

I am planning to make it build again and then I'll post a screenshot :)

The fun of archaelogical findings!