View Full Version : Red Alert Aftermath Expansion

20-08-2012, 09:24 PM

So I have both the allied and soviet forces CD thanks to EA allowing it to go for free. This also includes the two expansions. However I've been having some issues installing both expansions. Counterstrike, when running the setup file kept stating the version and the copyright ownership lines (like most dos games do before the GUI starts up) but then dumps me back to DOS where I can then start typing another command.

However with counterstrike (unlike aftermath) you could run the setup.exe file to your hearts content just to have it do the same thing over and over again. Out of curiosity I wanted to see the help options for setup.exe and put 'setup.exe --help'. Now being a Linux user that's how you get the help options for a command with --help. But with DOS it's -h or /?. However when putting --help SUCCESS it ran and installed correctly. Every time I put --help it worked. I also put '--h' but they didn't work?

So after luckily stumbling across that I mounted the aftermath expansion. Again bringing me back to DOS when running setup.exe rather then running the installer. But putting --help didn't get the game to run. Why might this be happening?