View Full Version : Pool Of Radiance Save Games.

25-08-2007, 12:26 AM

I thought i'd drag my old AD&D games out of the closet, blow the dust off them and crank them up!

So anyway i'm having trouble saving my game in Pool of Radiance.
There are a few errors I have been getting -

One says "Insert disk in ....:" and you hit any button and it does nothing.
So I played with the config of pool of radiance & dosbox a bit, and finally got it to save!
But of no luck when playing for an hour then needing to load (damn you!) my loaded game had
all duplicated characters of a single hero! Arggh! :tai:

I've searched the forums low & high found a few tips from other AD&D games, tried them, but with no luck still getting either of the errors.

So if anyone out there knows the settings for dosbox + pool.cfg / config.cfg please can you copy and paste them here to me :kosta:


Thank you (abandonia rocks!)

30-08-2007, 06:02 PM
Here's my POOL.CFG:


Seems to work okay, last time I played.