View Full Version : Dosbox For Mac...how The Hell..

15-04-2007, 04:05 PM
:sos: ok i juss dwld dosbox for mac...and i keep getting this stupid z drive..i need to mount the c drive im guessing to be able to run an .exe (caue rigth now i dlwd sim city and warcraft 2..) could someone give me a step by step on how to do this

15-04-2007, 05:13 PM
type without quote "intro"

The Fifth Horseman
16-04-2007, 02:02 PM
First, please spell correctly. If people can't understand you, they won't help you.

Second, read the readme file that came with your installation of DosBox. Yes, it _does_ answer your question.

Third, in the unlikely case readme didn't help, check the official DosBox FAQ (http://dosbox.sourceforge.net/wiki/index.php), and particularly this part of it. (http://dosbox.sourceforge.net/wiki/index.php?page=Basic+Setup+and+Installation+of+Dos Box)

18-04-2007, 09:59 AM
I have followed all the procedures for changing z: to c: and it keeps saying drive c does not exist. Can you tell me what I am doin wrong? thanks

18-04-2007, 10:16 AM
you need to mount it first
mount c <patch to directory on your computer to be c>

example: mount c d:\games\

then you can change it to c

18-04-2007, 10:29 AM
i have tried typing mount c c:\dos\cdrive which it tells you to do in the guide and it still wont work?

18-04-2007, 10:57 AM
well.. does the "c:\dos\cdrive" exist on your hard drive?
if it does, after you type 'mount c c:\dos\cdrive', there should appear 'drive c is mounted as local directory c:\dos\cdrive' ..if it doesnt, it doesnt exist on your hard drive. in this case substitute directory which actually exists on your computer

18-04-2007, 06:27 PM
say.... From my time on Mac, I never see a drive called c: !!!!


so... what does a path looks like in Mac anyway? ^_^

18-04-2007, 09:22 PM
you use mac and dont know its file structure?

raoul volfoni
11-05-2007, 12:41 PM
I wrote this in the "UFO" game forum but I think it can help you:

Here is how I managed to run UFO on a iBook G5 laptop with Mac OS X (10.4):

What I used: the SDL library 1.2.11 (http://www.libsdl.org/download-1.2.php) for Mac OS X Dosbox 0.70 (http://dosbox.sourceforge.net/download.php?main=1) the Dapplegrey 1.2 (http://www.classics-for-x.info/csx/dapplegrey/index.htm) frontend for Max OS X (optional but very useful) UFO for DOS (http://www.abandonia.com/extras/UFO%20-%20Enemy%20Unknown_DOS.zip) version from abandoniaHowto: Install properly the SDL lib, DOSBox and the Dapplegrey frontend (the first one can be a bit tricky but basically they are classic package installations, read the manuals)
create a folder where you'll put all the DOS related files (eg: I created a folder named "DOS Apps" in my user folder, so its path is: "/Volumes/My HD/Users/myself/DOS Apps") in this folder create a folder to act as a hard drive for DOS (eg: I created a folder named "HD1", so its path is: "/Volumes/My HD/Users/myself/DOS Apps/HD1") unzip UFO in "DOS Apps", this creates a "xcom" folder. This xcom folder is in fact the content of the original UFO CD-ROM. launch Dapplegrey and configure it like this: Drive C: "/Volumes/My HD/Users/myself/DOS Apps/HD1" "Drives" tab: CD-ROM: there is a bug in Dapplegrey when the CD-ROM pathname includes a space character (" ") so we'll use another method to specify it:
- if your path does not include space characters, choose the "xcom" folder as the CD-ROM path and check the drive "D"
- else: edit the autoexec.bat file (in the Dapplegrey menubar) and put this line: z:mount d "/Volumes/My HD/Users/myself/DOS Apps/HD1/xcom" -t cdrom -label CD-ROM check "run autoexec.bat at startup" "Display" tab: I chose "VGA", "Surface", "Full Res: 800x600", "Window Res: 800x600", check "Run DOSBOX in fullscreen mode" (optional) tweak other options if you wish
click "Run" to launch DOSBox
if everything goes fine you should have a DOS window with a prompt first, you have to install the game. Type the following:
install c:\ufo (or whatever directory name you want to use for the game installation)
validate the installation screen, then type:
if you are not already in the installation directory: cd ufo (or whatever directory name you used for the game installation)
cdsetup d:
setup the sound parameters (use the "soundblaster pro" with default params)
launch the game: ufoThat's it ! :)

From now on you just have to go to the c:\ufo directory and type ufo to launch the game.

- swap Full screen on/off with CTRL-ENTER (UFO can run in both modes)
- if the mouse cursor doesn't appear in DOSBox, use CTRL-F10 to capture/uncapture it
- with trackpad or 1-button mouse, emulate the right-click with CTRL-APPLE-CLICK