View Full Version : Wizardry 7

24-04-2006, 02:16 AM
I cannot get the game to go past the very first screen that pops up. I did everything you guys said to do to get the game to run, so I am wondering if anyone else has had this problem? I seem to remember having this problem with the actua CD when I had the game like 10 years ago or whatever......Any help would be appreciated. Thank you

Eagle of Fire
24-04-2006, 05:00 AM
What did you try to do to make the game work thus far exactly? Did you try DOSBox?

25-04-2006, 01:52 AM
I did what the Abandonia forum said to do in DOSBox. All of it.Ya know

mount d g:/ -t cdrom
mount c f:/videog~1 (which is where the file is on my comp file on my computer)
cd videog~1
cd cd wiz-cd
cd w7
I already did the installation stuff with install.exe and vinstall.exe

And the game freezes on the first screen. I know I had this problem when i owned the actual game a long time ago, and I dont remember how I fixed it. But that is what I have done.

25-04-2006, 09:35 PM
I have also tried to use the other executables ds.exe and play.exe and those did not work either. does the game have to be run in fullscreen? Could it be something as simple as that? I am gonna go try it. Peace.

26-04-2006, 03:23 AM
For some reason if I try to run it while my c: is in wiz-cd/7 it doesnt work, but I got to work by not doing that step. Thank you for attempting to help me Eagle. Peace out. Blessings from the Spirit of the ****! **** a doodle doo!
(and by **** i mean rooster for all you sick minded folks out there.)

The Fifth Horseman
26-04-2006, 09:34 AM
Try changing the name of the directory you want to mount in DOSbox. Say to "dosgames". I heard that problems may occur if you try to mount dirnames over 8 letters long, for some reason.